We also considered the boat route a couple of months ago, though from Mexico to Guatemala. We were short on time and eventually crossed at La Mesilla. We were told that the (Guate) authorities at the river crossing would probably not have the stamps, forms, etc. to register vehicles crossing by river. However, it was suggested that we might be able to register bikes into the computers at Flores, if the Guatemalan authorities let us through at the river. Maybe you could do the same in Palenque? Better be sure the Guatemalan border guys will let you back in if it doesn't work out on the Mexican side.
The above info is just speculation from the guys at Mesilla, and they didn't seem to really know either way. I'd say it's worth a shot--pretty much every rider through there must look at their map wondering if this is possible. A failed attempt would probably cost a max of 2 days, and could save 2+ days of riding if you are going to Palenque.
Good luck and let us know what you decide.
[This message has been edited by kevinmichigan (edited 03 March 2003).]