temporary import papers in Argentina
till now it seemed to me that its not a big deal to stay a little bit longer in Argenina then the import parers allow. This was reported by several travellers.
But today I had a problem to leave the country. The last export date was the 22.02 and I tried to leave the country on the 23.03. The bike was confiscated, I had to go (without the bike) to the capital of the province and pay a fee to the aduana office. Unfortunately the Banco National, where I have to make the payment, was closed at that time, so I have to wait until Monday to get the bike hopefully. Im not sure what the fee will be finally but it depends on the value of the bike, declared on the importation. The guy said something about 150 Pesos (about 50 EUR).
Im not sure if I just had bad luck with a very intent officer or if they strengthened the law.
It happened at Passo the Aqua Negra, Province San Juan.
I hope this information will be useful for other travellers since I know a lot of them store their bikes in Argentina to return home for some time.
Have a great journey!