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Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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Old 10 Sep 2006
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Third party insurance for Chile & Argentina

I am aware that there has been a lot of posts regarding third party insurance in SA & I understand it is now compulsory in Chile & Argentina at least. We arrive (fly) into Santiago in a weeks time and will pick our bike up, then travel over to Argentina (Mendoza) almost straight away.
I have read on other posts that third party insurance is available through ATM, but am noit sure if we can organise it in Santiago easily so we don't have problems crossing into Argentina.
Can anyone help with:
1. Confirmation that ATM will be able to provide the insurance;
2. Names of other companies that sell insurance for Chile & Argentina (if ATM can't);
3. Places in Santiago where we can buy the insurance (ATM or other).

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Old 10 Sep 2006
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Hi Cords and Aash,

I have got an international insurance valid for Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay from Aseguradora Magallanes S.A.

Santiago: Casa Matriz: Alonso de Cordova 5151 - Of. 1801 - Las Condes
Telephone: 363 4600
Fax: 365 4860
Codigo Postal 6770985

The insurance came with the bike when I bought it, but I intent to renew it as well.

Hope this helps

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Old 20 Sep 2006
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Thumbs up Details on Insurance (Seguro)

We crossed the Argentine boarder yesterday from Santiago on the Cristo Redentor Pass. We can confimr that Insurance is compulsory, you can/ must purchase at the first stop after passing out of Chile Border control for $30 US it last for 30 days same cost as car.

We had no problems with this at all, however it was the first thing asked for coming into Argentina.

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Old 18 Oct 2006
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Argentine insurance?

I was stopped at the Argentine border today, south of Asuncion. WHERE can I buy insurance for $30? Everyone here says it is NOT available to foreigners. Please reply asap, as I'm stranded. Thanks!!
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Old 18 Oct 2006
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Hi Miah
I don’t know if you will can contact they from there but most bikers than I know and also me use this company:

Asociación Mutual para Conductores y Asistencia Total de Motovehículos
Carabelas 281 6ª B (C1009AAA) Buenos Aires—Argentina
Tel./Fax: (54-11) 4394-1750 Email: atmotos@oaseatm.com.ar

They also give the MERCOSUR extension (Carta Verde)
Hope all goes ok.
Javier & Sandra
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Old 18 Oct 2006
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Does anyone have recent experience buying insurance when crossing from Bolivia to Chile or Argentina? I have a month or so to organize something, if I can do it beforehand. Any companies issue policies online?

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Old 18 Oct 2006
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[quote=AndyT]Does anyone have recent experience buying insurance when crossing from Bolivia to Chile or Argentina? I have a month or so to organize something, if I can do it beforehand. Any companies issue policies online?

TIA[/quoteIf you are inLa Paz, Bolivia you can get insurance that will cover you in all SA countries. It can be a little complicated with having to show the bike to them but it's cheap. It gets you through borders but I doubt it will work if want it to pay out.The company is BISA.
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Old 18 Oct 2006
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Thanks Fraser. Here is what I found on the web:

LaPaz Bolivia
Dirección: Calle Loayza No 255

Edif. Ugarte Ingeniería piso 6

Teléfono: (591-2)2318282
Fax: (591-2)2145438

I´ll look them up when I get there.
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Old 24 Oct 2006
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Hi People, on Javiers advice I went to the ATM office in Buenas Aires about three weeks ago to get third party for the moto. Very helpful girls in the office but they said that the MERCUSOR cover was only available to nationals or residents, if you are travelling on a permit to transit you can only get insurance for Argentina then it is a case of buy as you go. Just in passing I have just travelled from BA to the cataracts at Iguazu most of the way there along Ruta 14. I was stopped at least twice a day by the Federales who were very polite and didnt try anything on but it was license, insurance, permit or carnet and registration docs every time. Insurance at ATM cost me 35 peso a month so it is cheap enough just to avoid the hassle. Ride safe
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Old 24 Oct 2006
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[/quote] I was stopped at least twice a day by the Federales who were very polite and didnt try anything on but it was license, insurance, permit or carnet and registration docs every time. Insurance at ATM cost me 35 peso a month so it is cheap enough just to avoid the hassle. Ride safe[/quote]

I thought that you didnt need to bother getting a carnet in any parts of south america?? I had heard they are not at all necessary and all you needed was license ( and not even really that) insurance, and registration. Im confused. Anyone got words of wosdom for me??
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Old 24 Oct 2006
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Carnet & Insurance

A couple of things. Further to Bol-ex´s info regarding third party insurance available in La Paz, we went to Bisa and were told that only nationals could get it. The lady also rang a couple of other companies in La Paz and got the same answer. We will travel on to Argentina and try to get it at the border, as we did when crossing from Santiago to Mendoza.
Regarding carnets, I have been told from numerous sources it is not necessary in SA, and have not been asked for it yet (Chile, Argentina, Peru & Bolivia). However, we are yet to encounter police on Ruta 14 (which we will probably do so in the next couple of weeks!!). Coming into Bolivia from Peru at Lake Titicaca, the Bolivian customs form has a box to be filled for the carnet number, but it was not insisted on to be completed. I gave them the document number of our Australian registration papers and had no other hassles.

Comments from others??

Cords & Aasha

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Old 30 Oct 2006
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Success in Salta!!

After having no luck in La Paz, we seem to have sorted our insurance here in Salta. We crossed the border from Bolivia to Argentina a couple of days ago at Villazon, & were not asked for seguro (unlike when crossing from Santiago to Mendoza).
However, we were asked for original bike registration papers. We eventually found our certified copy which they finall accepted.
In Salta, we got insurance through La Veloz Seguros SA. We dealt with Hugo Martel. The office is a small one at Belgrano 853 (Tel 0387-4310814)
He appears to be a broker for La Veloz Seguros SA, whose office is at 20 de Febrero 224. However, when we went there earlier, they said they didn´t insure for motorcycles. We suspect they thought we wanted comprehensive insurance for the bike, not the compulsory third party insurance.
We found out we needed to ask for ¨Seguro Contra Tercero¨
Our policy is for 50,000 peso coverage, with a 37 peso premium per month!
We pick up the policy tonight, so will try to read it in more detail, but we are under the impression it covers Mercosur countries.
Hope this helps others!!
Cords and Aash
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Old 1 Nov 2006
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Dear Cords and Aash,

That's great news!
I (probably like some others..) am looking for third party (Mercosur) insurance too.
The one I can get is from an US company but costs around U$100 a month! :confused1:
So I'd love to hear if your insurance indeed covers all the Mercosur countries, and if this will include Chili, since it's not a mercosur member but associate..

Ride safe,

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Old 3 Dec 2006
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Originally Posted by Cords and Aash
After having no luck in La Paz, we seem to have sorted our insurance here in Salta. We crossed the border from Bolivia to Argentina a couple of days ago at Villazon, & were not asked for seguro (unlike when crossing from Santiago to Mendoza).
However, we were asked for original bike registration papers. We eventually found our certified copy which they finall accepted.
In Salta, we got insurance through La Veloz Seguros SA. We dealt with Hugo Martel. The office is a small one at Belgrano 853 (Tel 0387-4310814)
He appears to be a broker for La Veloz Seguros SA, whose office is at 20 de Febrero 224. Our policy is for 50,000 peso coverage, with a 37 peso premium per month!
We pick up the policy tonight, so will try to read it in more detail, but we are under the impression it covers Mercosur countries.
Hope this helps others!!
Cords and Aash
Just wanted to say that I went through this same agent, and got the same policy, no trouble at all. It´s cheap enough that it is worth it to me to avoid hassles. The agent assured me it is good in all Mercosur countries, including Chile, but I can´t find anything in the policy that states that explicitly. For sure it´s good for Argentina, and I´m going to see if it works with the Chilean authorities if (when) I get stopped.
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Old 11 Dec 2006
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Just wanted to write and say that I bought insurance from Magallanes in Las Condes and it worked out great. Go there, tell them how long you need insurance for, and your golden for all of south america. 6 months for all the countries down here cost me 130 US dollars. Just be make sure they charge you the right price, my friend who doesnt speak very good spanish ended up paying over 300 dollars for 4 months..... But for me all went well, it took me 15 minutes and now I have now worries for wherever I go
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