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Old 14 Aug 2007
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Another recommendation for Magallanes, Las Condes, Santiago

Originally Posted by zappalives View Post
Just wanted to write and say that I bought insurance from Magallanes in Las Condes and it worked out great. Go there, tell them how long you need insurance for, and your golden for all of south america. 6 months for all the countries down here cost me 130 US dollars. Just be make sure they charge you the right price, my friend who doesnt speak very good spanish ended up paying over 300 dollars for 4 months..... But for me all went well, it took me 15 minutes and now I have now worries for wherever I go
My experience with Magallanes was very similar this June. Fast and easy even with my beginner's Spanish. Cost about $US60 for two months.
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Old 27 Oct 2008
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3rd party insurance

I hear the 3rd party insurance in South Am isnt worth the paper its written on, does anyone know if I can arrange a policy from the UK? Iam a UK citizen buying a bike in the states, going through Mexico and Central America, following the Pan Am on a Harley, leavin in 8 days and kinda pooping my pants about the great unknown!
Dan, Ultra Classic Electra Glide(what a mouthful)
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Old 28 Oct 2008
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Old 29 Oct 2008
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You might want to try this company for third party liability, collision and theft. This is a US company that I used a couple of times for travel through Central and South America. They are not cheap, and I never had a claim so I do not really know how good the policy is. I was particually concerned with theft insurance. They do insure bikes from other countris. They did Insure my Canadian Registered Bike with my Canadian address.

Also, you need seperate insurance for Mexico. You might want to do this through the internet, rather than purchasing from which ever agent is closest to the border crossing. The Sunrise Group will give you recommendations for a Mexican Company.

816 Executive Drive
Oviedo, FL 32765
Phone: 407-977-7001
Website: sunriseworldwide.com
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Old 14 Nov 2008
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Insurance for Chile and Argentina

Heres my tuppence worth based on a frustrating day. Im currently in Iquique Chile and have just organised insurance. I should probably mention that I am Scottish with a US registered bike. I was trying to get a 60 day policy to cover both Chile and Argentina. The first company, Penta Securities got as far as issuing the paperwork before I pointed out that the policy did not include Chile. It was classed as an International policy and covered Argentina, Brasil, Peru, Bolivia and Uruguay but not Chile. It was $100US for 45days cover. I cancelled. The second company, Magallanes, could either issue a National Policy for Chile or an International policy covering previous countries. I went with the National policy so at least I was covered in Chile. However once they had issued documents, I had been charged $50US for a policy with $1000US liability - for vehicles only, not people. I cancelled in the belief that it would not be acceptable under law. The girl said it was all she could sell me. Eventually went to Vivar Street - there are several brokers there selling insurance. I ended up with something that cost 30,000pesos (about $50) and gives $11,000liability - not a lot really. I think it it probably the miniumum required by law. At least I have an insurance card to show if need be. Once I get closer to Argentina I will organise a seperate policy specifically for Argentina. Unfortunately I speak no spanish and am extremely wary of the insurance being sold - as someone else mentioned I dont believe its worth the paper written on.

I should also mention that I investigated insurance for Peru in Pirua - the best I could do was $175. I decided to do without. I got stopped twice by the police. Only once did they check documents and thankfully never requested my insurance. However it does not make for a relaxing journey in the knoweledge that you could get pulled. This is probably a bigger factor than the worry / risk of actually having an accident.
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Old 20 Nov 2008
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which company?

grahamshee - which company did you end up going through?

Our bikes arrive in Valparaiso in a couple of days, so have to organise Chilean insurance. Did you need the bike with you to get the insurance or just organise it with the necessary paperwork?
Take it easy!


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Old 24 Nov 2008
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BCI Seguros

My Chile insurance is with BCI Seguros. I think it may be part of the BCI banking group and believe them to be a sound company. Although mine was organised with an agent, they have offices and it may be possible to contact them directly. I was in their office today in Talca trying to organise insurance for Argentina. You will need your passport and vehicle documents. I would also suggest your driving licence. From memory I used my hotel address which was OK. You do not need to show the bike.

As an aside, I tried to organise insurance today with Magallanes for Argentina. Having got through all the formalities of discussing the policy, they were unable to issue one because the computer would not recognise my Alaska licence plate. I think this was a polite way of telling me that they would only issue to Chile vehicles / residents. Hence my visit to BCI. I also spoke with another company who could issue a policy (unfortunately I forget their name) but more expensive than Magallanes with less liability cover. I plan to pursue Magallanes further at a different office - I may have been unkucky with that particular girl.

If your planning extensive travel in South America I would suggest contacting the Sunrise Group in Florida - details elsewhere on this thread. May be less hassle than organising locally.
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Old 25 Nov 2008
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Magallanes a no go...


thanks for that info. We might try BCI.

It's quite funny, we went to Magallanes today as well and got the exact same resonse. The girls were very helpful and polite, but then it was a case of "they can't put our passport numbers into the computer". They then went off to check with their boss and came back and told us that they could only supply insurance for Chilean residents.

Perhaps you talked to the same people.
Take it easy!


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Old 4 Dec 2008
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Chile & Argentina Insurance

Sir Fries,

How have you got on with your pursuit of insurance?

I arrived in Santiago today and my bike is due to arrive in Valparaiso from Singapore on Monday (08/12). It's a UK registered bike and I'm a UK citizen.

It would be nice to get something sorted out here in Santiago tomorrow or in Valparaiso early next week.

ShortWayRound - OTR RTW since 2006

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Old 5 Dec 2008
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more seguros

Hey Adam,

We had assistance from Martina and Enzo from Villa Kunterbunt in clearing customs in Valparaiso (highly reccommended btw, especially if you´re not familiar with the system) and Enzo was adamant that you don´t need insurance for Chile, so we haven´t worried about Chilean insurance so far. We haven´t had any involvement with the Carabineros yet though, so not 100% sure whether we´ll have any problems.

We got a message from Grahamshee saying that he managed to get the international insurance from Magallanes in Concepcion, so we stopped by there today and got ours there too. It was simple and quick. Probably took us about 20mins in the office and covers us for the Mercorsur countries (Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay). Cost was about 80 000 Chilean Pesos for 5 months and about 67 000 CLP for 3 months.

Sorry, I don´t have any other suggestions for places to try in Santiago or Valparaiso. I did see some places in Valpo advertising Seguro Obligatorio though on Av Colon I think. So you could try there. I have no idea if they are reputable at all, but from what I read on this site you´re mostly paying for a piece of paper to keep the police off your back and not an insurance policy that´s worth anything anyway...

good luck! If you´re heading Sth let us know & we can suggest a couple of places to visit.

Take it easy!


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Old 5 Dec 2008
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Thumbs up Thank you & yes please

Hi Nick,

Many thanks for your swift and informative reply. I have emailed Martina & Enzo and await their reply.

I will be travelling south but not until after the Dakar rally which I hope to get to see in a few places.

I would welcome any recommendations you care to send my way. Are you still in the south? If so, perhaps we'll meet when you turn north.

All the Best


Short Way Round
ShortWayRound - OTR RTW since 2006

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Last edited by JediMaster; 5 Dec 2008 at 18:31. Reason: spelling mistakes!
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Old 6 Dec 2008
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No requirement at border in Chile

I entered Chile yesterday from Peru -- Tacna to Arica -- and no mention was made at the border about a requirement for insurance in Chile. Lets see what happens if I get stopped by cops.
Steve Barnett
Panama City, Panama

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Old 23 Dec 2008
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Unhappy Magellanes

I went to a Magellanes office in Santiago last week. A local motorcyclist came with me to make sure I got the right policy and paid the right price.

However, it was not possible because there computer system only allows for a 6 digit registration/licence plate and my UK licence plate is 7 digits.

I'm in Valparaiso ow and still looking. If/When I find a solution I'll post the answer.
I plan to go to Argentina on Saturday but I'm not sure if they'll ket me through without insurance given that any insurance office further on is likely to be closed.

Any suggestions?

ShortWayRound - OTR RTW since 2006

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Old 23 Dec 2008
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no questions at border...

Hey Adam,

no suggestions, but we just crossed into Argentina for the first time at San Sebastian on Tierra del Fuego and they didn´t ask for insurance. Was quick and simple.

I know others have had trouble though, so I couldn´t say for sure that you´d get through with out it.

Good luck and I hope you get through without any hassels.
Take it easy!


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Old 1 Apr 2009
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Bike from UK

Originally Posted by zappalives View Post
Just wanted to write and say that I bought insurance from Magallanes in Las Condes and it worked out great. Go there, tell them how long you need insurance for, and your golden for all of south america. 6 months for all the countries down here cost me 130 US dollars. Just be make sure they charge you the right price, my friend who doesnt speak very good spanish ended up paying over 300 dollars for 4 months..... But for me all went well, it took me 15 minutes and now I have now worries for wherever I go
Hi there - I turned up at the office of Magallanes complete with somebody to translate for me and they would not insure me? They had great difficulties inputting my foreign registration into their system. In the end, and after several phone calls 'upstairs' they said no. It seems that they were concerned (in the event of a claim) that I would be out of the country and so would not be able to contest any court action?

Now in Santiago (1st April 2009) and pondering options. The police said (when my translator rang them) just show your UK (invalid) insurance!
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