Insurance for Chile and Argentina
Heres my tuppence worth based on a frustrating day. Im currently in Iquique Chile and have just organised insurance. I should probably mention that I am Scottish with a US registered bike. I was trying to get a 60 day policy to cover both Chile and Argentina. The first company, Penta Securities got as far as issuing the paperwork before I pointed out that the policy did not include Chile. It was classed as an International policy and covered Argentina, Brasil, Peru, Bolivia and Uruguay but not Chile. It was $100US for 45days cover. I cancelled. The second company, Magallanes, could either issue a National Policy for Chile or an International policy covering previous countries. I went with the National policy so at least I was covered in Chile. However once they had issued documents, I had been charged $50US for a policy with $1000US liability - for vehicles only, not people. I cancelled in the belief that it would not be acceptable under law. The girl said it was all she could sell me. Eventually went to Vivar Street - there are several brokers there selling insurance. I ended up with something that cost 30,000pesos (about $50) and gives $11,000liability - not a lot really. I think it it probably the miniumum required by law. At least I have an insurance card to show if need be. Once I get closer to Argentina I will organise a seperate policy specifically for Argentina. Unfortunately I speak no spanish and am extremely wary of the insurance being sold - as someone else mentioned I dont believe its worth the paper written on.
I should also mention that I investigated insurance for Peru in Pirua - the best I could do was $175. I decided to do without. I got stopped twice by the police. Only once did they check documents and thankfully never requested my insurance. However it does not make for a relaxing journey in the knoweledge that you could get pulled. This is probably a bigger factor than the worry / risk of actually having an accident.