
23 Nov 2016
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Third party insurance that covers several countries in SA
Hi folks
I know there are many similar threads out here but none of them seem to be up to date. I have just picked up my bike in Valparaiso and will need third party insurance that covers most of the countries in SA, or as many as possible.
Well a good start would be an insurance that covers Chile and Argentina.
I have been to several insurance companies and asked but none have even showed the slightest interest for even a chilean coverage only. I have tried Falavella, BCI and Mapfre but it was like trying to sell fridges in Antartica or heating blankets in Sahara.
Any ideas or suggestions are highly appriciated!
Thanks in advance!
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....
Last edited by Snakeboy; 23 Nov 2016 at 23:02.

23 Nov 2016
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Insurance / South America
Snakeboy, after riding through 8 South American countries, and buying insurance in each country, although we tried, we were not able to purchase insurance for the next country we were crossing into in the country we were leaving. Upon entering a South American country, insurance can be purchased at the border, or a few kilometers into the country at the first village/city.
There seems to be some general rule restricting vehicle/motorcycle insurance companies to only sell insurance for the country they are selling it in.
I/we - rosa del desierto and I, have not been able to purchase any multi country vehicle insurance in South America and I have tried each year for ten years. I am a permanent foreign resident of Argentina and my South American friends were not able to purchase multi country insurance for South America.
Legal documents for your motorcycle, including a valid TVIP (temporary vehicle import permit) valid driving permit(s) and valid insurance are all necessary in the event of an accident. Just because officials do not request proof of insurance does not mean that you don't have to have it by law. No one has reported on the HUBB any South American country that does not require insurance.
I understand in Ecuador that vehicle insurance comes with the TVIP upon entering. In Colombia research SOAT - the government approved insurance must be purchased from private vendors and comes with a sticker for your bike.
Insurance is simple liability not comprehensive, and is inexpensive and easily purchased at each border or nearby.
Eat, Drink and Buy Insurance

23 Nov 2016
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Originally Posted by xfiltrate
Snakeboy, after riding through 8 South American countries, and buying insurance in each country, although we tried, we were not able to purchase insurance for the next country we were crossing into in the country we were leaving. Upon entering a South American country, insurance can be purchased at the border, or a few kilometers into the country at the first village/city.
There seems to be some general rule restricting vehicle/motorcycle insurance companies to only sell insurance for the country they are selling it in.
I/we - rosa del desierto and I, have not been able to purchase any multi country vehicle insurance in South America and I have tried each year for ten years. I am a permanent foreign resident of Argentina and my South American friends were not able to purchase multi country insurance for South America.
Legal documents for your motorcycle, including a valid TVIP (temporary vehicle import permit) valid driving permit(s) and valid insurance are all necessary in the event of an accident. Just because officials do not request proof of insurance does not mean that you don't have to have it by law. No one has reported on the HUBB any South American country that does not require insurance.
I understand in Ecuador that vehicle insurance comes with the TVIP upon entering. In Colombia research SOAT - the government approved insurance must be purchased from private vendors and comes with a sticker for your bike.
Insurance is simple liability not comprehensive, and is inexpensive and easily purchased at each border or nearby.
Eat, Drink and Buy Insurance
Well - as I wrote above here, I have now tried to purchase insurance for quite some time, spending quite some time on it, I have been talking to other overlanders and to local bikers, I have used quite an amount of time locating insurance company offices, I have spent quite some time waiting in long lines and have spent quite some time explaining none-english speaking staff about my matter - but without being able to purchase even a single month valid insurance for the actual country Im in for the moment. So dont tell me that its easily done to purchase any insurance at all here.
There are several reports that people - here on the HUBB that people have been able to purchase valid insurance for several countries "all in one". Although that information is a few years old. But I also spoke to a couple from Usa last week who had purchased an insurance that was valid for 5-6 different countries in SA but unfortunately that was in Bolivia and not in Chile where I am for the moment. So there is such a thing as a multiple country insurance for SA - thats for sure.
I have earlier on spent many many hours, and I have been riding many hundreds of extra kms to get a hold of insurance in different countries - and if possible I want to avoid that again. My main goal of travelling is not to run around like a dog chasing insurance offices along the road.
As for Argentina it is mandatory to have a valid insurance when you enter the country and all borders will check if you have that. And if not you will mot be let in. And according to local people and other overlanders I have been talking to there isnt any place to buy insurance at the borders between Chile and Argentina. So if I had followed your advice I would be stuck at a high altitude border and would have had to return with my tail between my legs to where I come from. Please refrain from pure nonsense. If you dont have any direct and clear advise from where to get insurance - dont post anymore here...
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....

23 Nov 2016
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Third party insurance that covers several countries in SA
Hello Snakeboy, did you ask at motorcycle shops? We got our insurance for mercosur countries in a motorcycle shop called Zanella in Bariloche. The insurance company is called ATM.
You can find more info and details of their main office in this thread: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...na-other-60391
Good luck,

24 Nov 2016
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Multicountry Insurance, South America
It might be misleading when you say the policy includes Mercosur - I remember once getting a rider on my Argentine insurance policy for "limitrofes" countries - meaning a bordering country, not all Mercosur countries border Argentina. I was able to get an extension policy that included Bolivia without purchasing a new policy, but this only because I am a permanent foreign resident of Argentina and the same would not be available to tourists.... But, this was an anomaly so I did not introduce it here. I know many over landers who purchase their Argentine insurance via the ATM company - good suggestion for Argentine insurance.
Snakeboy, I said you can easily purchase insurance at the border or a few kilometers in country at the next city/village. I am sorry you misunderstood what I said.
Yes, I agree with Petrus suggestion to ask at an authorized motorcycle dealer - I know in Chile you can buy short term insurance, but the minimum might. be a 6 month policy - even the 6 month policy is inexpensive.
This might not help snake boy but I will be clarifying Mercosur coverage via ATM if it exists.....
ATM motorcycle insurance information for Argentina is available via web site : http://www.atmseguros.com.ar
office is in Buenos Aires, Argentina Florida 833 2nd Floor (downtown Buenos Aires)
phone 0810 345 6286 Web site states coverage is for all of Argentina, I could not find info about bordering countries but
will call ATM tomorrow and post here. I recall something about having to be Argentine or a permanent resident to qualify for "Mercosur" coverage. Not sure about this, will report tomorrow. This is interesting. xfiltrate

24 Nov 2016
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Third party insurance that covers several countries in SA
Hi, we were looking for a Mercosur insurance, too (a couple arrived in Chile with us had it), but after some internet searching and some agents answers, we decided to do it in each country: some of them would not cover Peru' or Bolivia and for Chile you do not need a SOAT, but a SOAPEX that covers also yourself.
You can buy soapex online (Hdi seguro) and for many days you want. You get it immediately by email. We did it last week. When we arrived in September the web didn't work, so I went in an office and got it (they are not very updated, so if they say you can't have a soat because you are extranger explain you want a soapex). It's valid only in Chile and can't be extended to other countries.
In Bolivia we went without....if you manage to, buy it: it's crazy to drive there!!!
In Peru' we decided to buy it at the first village, but no way! At the border we had to leave the bike, take a taxi and show the insurance in order to enter.
Now we are heading Calama and Argentina...I'll check in the web where to buy the insurance.
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24 Nov 2016
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Originally Posted by Petrus
Hello Snakeboy, did you ask at motorcycle shops? We got our insurance for mercosur countries in a motorcycle shop called Zanella in Bariloche. The insurance company is called ATM.
You can find more info and details of their main office in this thread: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...na-other-60391
Good luck,
Thanks for the suggestion, it might be worth to check out if a motorbike store can help with insurance - or at least point me in the right direction.
Problem is that Im in Chile right now and I wont be let into Argentina unless I have a valid insurance....
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....

24 Nov 2016
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We bought insurance in Bolivia that included Peru, chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay in January this year. From Seguros Illimani in la Paz. Argentina was the only country that seemed to care, and even then they only gave a very cursory check of the policy and only at one border.
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24 Nov 2016
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Well, things seem to have changed!
Back in 2012-2013 (not too long ago, right?), we were never, ever, asked to show insurance papers at border crossings in south america! And we did quite a lot of them in 5 months of riding there.
We had managed to get insurance covering Arg, Chi, Par, Ur, Bol, from Parana Seguros in Buenos Aires.

24 Nov 2016
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Can certainly get liability insurance for all countries south of Ecuador for a car, but it seems not available for a bike.
Also been recent reports of people being held up at the border because they didn't have insurance for Argentina, but equally likely that no customs officer will ask to see it at other borders. Not their job so they leave it up to the police who apparently do care, especially if you have an accident.

24 Nov 2016
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Originally Posted by memo-p
We bought insurance in Bolivia that included Peru, chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay in January this year. From Seguros Illimani in la Paz. Argentina was the only country that seemed to care, and even then they only gave a very cursory check of the policy and only at one border.
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Hi and thanks for reply. Seguros Illimani in Bolivia was the place the Usa couple I talked to last week got their insurance. So its definetively a possibility.
Wish I could purchase that here in Chile...
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25 Nov 2016
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Originally Posted by Snakeboy
Hi and thanks for reply. Seguros Illimani in Bolivia was the place the Usa couple I talked to last week got their insurance. So its definetively a possibility.
Wish I could purchase that here in Chile...
In Chile they will not sell you insurance for a non-Chilean motorbike, for use in Chile. *BUT* they will sell you Merco-Sur insurance so that you can enter Argentina and Bolivia (I can't remember if it covers Peru). Bought it in 2011.
This can be purchased from Ripley stores, or from booths near the border.
You can find it in shops in Los Andes, or from booths near the border.
I also saw it for sale in Chile Chico (2013)

25 Nov 2016
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Originally Posted by BruceP
In Chile they will not sell you insurance for a non-Chilean motorbike, for use in Chile. *BUT* they will sell you Merco-Sur insurance so that you can enter Argentina and Bolivia (I can't remember if it covers Peru). Bought it in 2011.
This can be purchased from Ripley stores, or from booths near the border.
You can find it in shops in Los Andes, or from booths near the border.
I also saw it for sale in Chile Chico (2013)
They sell it, now you need a soapex and it's for foreign vehicles. But it's only valid where you drive in Chile.
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25 Nov 2016
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Well - as for now I have been visiting 5 different insurance companies/offices from Concepsion south to Valdivia and none of them could offer me any insurance at all. Not for Chile, not for Argentina and not for several countries in SA. If it continues like this I wount be able to make it even to Argentina...
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....

25 Nov 2016
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Mercosur Insurance
As stated in previous post, I attempted to call ATM insurance of Argentina to ask if they sold "Mercosur" or "limitrofes" (insurance for bordering countries). The tel number is a free number from within Argentina, but did not accept my Skype calls.
So, I tried to ask the question on the blog at their website but the blog was not working.
ATM motorcycle insurance information for Argentina is available via web site : ATM Seguros
office is in Buenos Aires, Argentina Florida 833 2nd Floor (downtown Buenos Aires)
phone 0810 345 6286 Web site states coverage is for all of Argentina, I could not find info about bordering countries.
Perhaps Javier -Javcap - someone in Argentina can confirm if "limitrofes" / partial Mercosur coverage in available from the ATM insurance company of Argentina.
I do recall that it might make a difference if a tourist is buying insurance for a foreign registered bike as opposed to for a bike registered in the country where he/she is purchasing the insurance. And, some coverage is available only for citizens or permanent foreign residents with an address in country.
Many countries will not insure foreign registered bikes.
It makes sense to me that a company - if insuring for various countries, (Mercosur) that the company would want a local - in country - address for the insured. So, tourists may not qualify for the Mercosur coverage if it exists.
Sorry I was not more helpful. Also, it is possible the bikes registered in Mercosur countries might be ore easily insured than bike registered in a non Mercosur country. Learn about Mercosur here:
Mercosur: South America's Fractious Trade Bloc - Council on Foreign Relations
and here: Explainer: What Is Mercosur? | AS/COA
Updated August 12, 2015 — The Southern Common Market is one of the world’s leading economic blocs and its fifth-largest economy. Mercosur comprises five member countries—Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela—and Bolivia is in the final stages of the accession to become the sixth member. Known as Mercosur in Spanish or Mercosul in Portuguese, the group encompasses 295 million people and has a combined GDP of nearly $3.5 trillion. One of Latin America’s largest regional integration projects, Mercosur also counts Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname serve as associate members.
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