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Old 12 Dec 2016
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Originally Posted by Wemotobike View Post

We would like to re-check something with insurances as well! We're on two Colombian motorbikes, both with valid insurance(SOAT) on our own name. We'll cross the border to Ecuador in a week. One of the bikes has SOAT till the 28th of december 2016. We don't have to renew this insurance right? Because we're leaving Colombia before the insurance expires and we'll get new insurance at the border of Ecuador?

Thank you very much!
That is correct. You dont have to renew the Colombian Soat. You dont have to buy an Ecuador either. There is no SOAT in Ecuador. You will have to buy it again in Peru. Right in the border and it is about 30 usd.
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Old 5 Mar 2017
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Insurance into Argentina and Chile

Hey guys,

Any better insurance advice getting into Argentina? I'm arriving by ferry in 2 weeks and looking for insurance. Best quote I could see was for $144 US for a month. This is from ATM Seguros in BA. Anyone got better pricing than this available in Argentina or elsewhere for that matter?

My bike has been stationary for 1 years and the requirements for entry into Chile have also slipped my mind.

I rode across to Argentina last year for a day simply so that I could store my bike a another year in Uruguay. They didn't ask me for insurance at the Argentina border but I got stopped trying to re-enter Uruguay. After much mucking around in Colon I did get insurance inside Uruguay after much help from one of the border guys.

I'm heading for Ushuaia

I've looked through latest posts but theres always someone out there who may know bettter or things may have changed?

Any advice appreciated!!

Oh, I'm heading for Ushuaia then returning to BA to fly my bike out finally

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Last edited by haggis; 5 Mar 2017 at 05:41. Reason: forgot mention where I'm going
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Old 8 Jul 2017
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Insurance update

Today I have finished my S. America ride from Colombia to Uruguay (inc. Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Paraguay). The only place where I was forced to buy insurance was Peru (at the border, Sun evening not easy)
In other countries nobody asked or was interested if have one or not.
The other topic is: what is the reason fot having it. Riding a heavy bike especially in cities is like a rodeo sometimes (except Chile, Arg and Urug.) so having something like 3rd party insuranse can lower adrenaline level sometimes
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Old 28 Sep 2017
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My bike insurance in Bolivia is from La Boliviana Ciacruz:
Whenever I travel over borders they give me a letter that confirms coverage for most of the South American countries. Not sure if you can buy insurance through them if you are not a resident of Bolivia, but I kind of get the impression that you might be able to.

FWIW, I Wouldn't ride down in South America without insurance. If you're in an accident that involves a death, regardless of fault, you will probably go straight to jail till everything gets sorted out.

Originally Posted by Snakeboy View Post
Hi folks

I know there are many similar threads out here but none of them seem to be up to date. I have just picked up my bike in Valparaiso and will need third party insurance that covers most of the countries in SA, or as many as possible.
Well a good start would be an insurance that covers Chile and Argentina.

I have been to several insurance companies and asked but none have even showed the slightest interest for even a chilean coverage only. I have tried Falavella, BCI and Mapfre but it was like trying to sell fridges in Antartica or heating blankets in Sahara.

Any ideas or suggestions are highly appriciated!

Thanks in advance!
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Old 2 Jan 2018
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Ok - here we go again...

I parked my bike in Uruguay last September and went back home to Europe but have now returned back to south-America to pick up my bike again and continue my travel. The insurance I purchased in Puerto Varas, Chile is expired long time ago and I need a new MERCOSUR insurance. Im for the moment in Montevideo but will also visit Buenos Aires before picking up the bike. So the question is:

Had anyone bought MERCOSUR insurance in Montevideo or Buenos Aires lately or maybe even online? Or do anyone know anything about this and can point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!
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Old 14 Jan 2018
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dam paperwork

I have a Colombian Cedula de Extranjeria temporal
and a Colombian registered moto in my name with SOAT
I am planning to travel around SA this year
Is my insurance good to go anywhere in SA
Xfiltrate you probably know more than the tourists
I don't understand anything about this foreigner crap
am i good to go?
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Old 28 Jan 2018
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I bought mine in Rosario, AR but a quick Google search for " Seguros moto Mercosur" produced this Chilean company https://www.hdi.cl/seguros/seguros-d...rnacional-rci/
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Old 29 Jan 2018
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Originally Posted by pasomonte View Post
I bought mine in Rosario, AR but a quick Google search for " Seguros moto Mercosur" produced this Chilean company https://www.hdi.cl/seguros/seguros-d...rnacional-rci/
I have chatted online with HDI Seguros today and they could not sell me Mercosur third party insurance for my norwegian plated bike. They could however sell me SOAT insurance valid for Chile only.
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Old 13 Feb 2018
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There are three insurances in South America: carta verde (Green letter) to Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brasil, SOAPEX to Chile, e SOAT to Peru and Colombia. The insurance companys sell the insurance for a determined time period.

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Old 13 Feb 2018
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The other topic is: what is the reason fot having it. Riding a heavy bike especially in cities is like a rodeo sometimes (except Chile, Arg and Urug.) so having something like 3rd party insuranse can lower adrenaline level sometimes
and also said to be good for keeping you out of prison if you have an accident involving death or injury
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Old 13 Feb 2018
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Originally Posted by Renato_CWB View Post
There are three insurances in South America: carta verde (Green letter) to Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brasil, SOAPEX to Chile, e SOAT to Peru and Colombia. The insurance companys sell the insurance for a determined time period.

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So can you give me a name and an emailadress for an Insurance company that can sell me a valid third party insurance for a bike plated in Europe? Valid for several countries - I will be travelling Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, maybe Chile and Peru.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 13 Feb 2018
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Originally Posted by Snakeboy View Post
So can you give me a name and an emailadress for an Insurance company that can sell me a valid third party insurance for a bike plated in Europe? Valid for several countries - I will be travelling Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, maybe Chile and Peru.

Thanks in advance!
I read all this thread about insurance in South America but I'm not sure if the HDI of Chile sells to nonresidents. Under the general terms it is said that if your license is not from Chile, you can only hire the insurance in the stores of the company. For us residents it is very easy to hire. Here in Brazil most insurers offer coverage for South America, but it is still necessary to acquire insurance against third parties for Mercosur (Green Card) and for Chile (SOAPEX).

I did a search on the internet and I found these two places:

1)Overland Insurance - Overlanding Association

South America
In South America it is possible to obtain MERCOSUR insurance that would normally cover Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. However if you ask, it is sometimes possible to include other associated countries like Bolivia & Peru.
You can purchase MERCOSUR from Magallanes, gisela@speiserseguros.com.ar, integrityseguros.com.ar, atmseguros.com, Allianz or Klaus & Claudia Schubert ( info@abgefahren.info).
For other countries you would obtain third party insurance on entry.
In 2015 Ecuador introduced a new state sponsored vehicle insurance. During the transition period it was not possible or required to obtain insurance. Dec 2015, Insurance was not required for foreign vehicles, nor could it be purchased at the border.

2) https://ivssuk.com/foreign-vehicle-motor-insurance/

I hope it may have helped a little. Despite the large influx of motorcycles around the world, it seems that insurance companies have not yet seen the opportunity and do not advertise their services either.

Anyway, I can contact my insurance broker to see if he knows any other way.

Another thing, I have traveled several times through Argentina, Chile and Uruguay and only once have asked for the policy. But this is not to say that it is not necessary. As it is known, shit happens!
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Old 13 Feb 2018
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Originally Posted by Renato_CWB View Post
I read all this thread about insurance in South America but I'm not sure if the HDI of Chile sells to nonresidents. Under the general terms it is said that if your license is not from Chile, you can only hire the insurance in the stores of the company. For us residents it is very easy to hire. Here in Brazil most insurers offer coverage for South America, but it is still necessary to acquire insurance against third parties for Mercosur (Green Card) and for Chile (SOAPEX).

I did a search on the internet and I found these two places:

1)Overland Insurance - Overlanding Association

South America
In South America it is possible to obtain MERCOSUR insurance that would normally cover Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. However if you ask, it is sometimes possible to include other associated countries like Bolivia & Peru.
You can purchase MERCOSUR from Magallanes, gisela@speiserseguros.com.ar, integrityseguros.com.ar, atmseguros.com, Allianz or Klaus & Claudia Schubert ( info@abgefahren.info).
For other countries you would obtain third party insurance on entry.
In 2015 Ecuador introduced a new state sponsored vehicle insurance. During the transition period it was not possible or required to obtain insurance. Dec 2015, Insurance was not required for foreign vehicles, nor could it be purchased at the border.

2) https://ivssuk.com/foreign-vehicle-motor-insurance/

I hope it may have helped a little. Despite the large influx of motorcycles around the world, it seems that insurance companies have not yet seen the opportunity and do not advertise their services either.

Anyway, I can contact my insurance broker to see if he knows any other way.

Another thing, I have traveled several times through Argentina, Chile and Uruguay and only once have asked for the policy. But this is not to say that it is not necessary. As it is known, shit happens!
Thanks for answer and help. As I mentioned above I have chatted online with HDI Seguros in Chile and they cannot offer other that Soap/soapex valid for Chile only. So HDI is out of my book... I have sent a mail to Integrity Seguros and inquired about a third party insurance thats valid for several south-American countries. So I just have to wait for an answer.

Im in Brazil for the moment and a brazilian friend of mine have been in contact with several brazilian insurance companies but none of them could offer any insurance for an european citizen on a european plated bike.

Its not the police thing that bothers me, I have travelled around the world for more than 3,5 years now and so far I have never ever been asked to show proof of insurance anywhere. But for my own sake I want one, if a child runs out in the front of me and I (God forbid that it ever happens) and I hit and injury that child or something similar happens. I would feel so more relaxed to have an insurance in such an imagined incident.
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Old 14 Feb 2018
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Insurance and port costs

Hi Snakeboy,
Having read this thread I realise I will soon be in the same boat. Requiring insurance for the whole of SA, if possible. So like you said one doesn't have to chase ones tail all over just to find it in each country...boring....if you manage to find I would love to know. Plus my bike soon arrives at Santiago and I am wondering what sort of fees I am likely going to be stung for to get it out of customs?..any advice muchly appreciated.
Regards mate.
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Old 14 Feb 2018
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Originally Posted by nwildsmith View Post
Hi Snakeboy,
Having read this thread I realise I will soon be in the same boat. Requiring insurance for the whole of SA, if possible. So like you said one doesn't have to chase ones tail all over just to find it in each country...boring....if you manage to find I would love to know. Plus my bike soon arrives at Santiago and I am wondering what sort of fees I am likely going to be stung for to get it out of customs?..any advice muchly appreciated.
Regards mate.
I shipped my bike into Valparaiso by sea november 2016 and yes there were a good bit of «fees» to be paid as the customs were on strike at that time, thus to get the bike through customs «fees» were needed. Cannot remember how much extra costs it was but it was not cheap...

I initially were able to get insurance for many countries down in Puerto Varas in southern Chile - as you can see in an earlier post. If youre going in that direction it might be an alternative.

I will try to post updates if I am able to get any insurances valid for several countries. I also sent a mail to two of the other places Renato CWB mentioned last aftenoon - so Im awaiting answers.
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