Hi guys,
I would appreciate if somebody could provide their thoughts on the following:
I’m an EU citizen who plans to start the Panamericana from Santiago,Chile in early December 2021. The idea is to ride down to Ushuaia, and from there head back to north via Argentina, probably making a detour via BA, Montevideo (maybe Brazil too)...so hitting a bit of east coast before returning at some point to Chille and continuing over Atacama towards Bolivia, Peru and further to Central America and finally US. The goal is to reach Alaska by July 2022, so in c. 7 months. (all assumed COVID story improved)
Let’s assume Chille as a starting point is already decided!
As I still don’t rule out the option to buy a bike locally (instead of shipping my own from Europe), I am considering to get US plated bike in Chille. Given that the trip ends in US, selling it there afterwards and skipping the shipment costs both ways to/from EU is of course the reason to think about that option.
1. How likely it is that I find another party willing to sell US plated bike in/around Santiago?
2. What are all the legal things I should consider?
3. How would the bike ownership transfer be executed outside of US? Is that mandatory for crossing all the borders?
Many thanks in advance for all your answers and advices!