Originally Posted by healingtouch
Well my friend did you know this? This report has been overrated not only in the provinces that you say but the same has been done globally and there are people who are now admitting their mistake that more than 50 percent of the global cases have been inflated. Now what do you think made this vital mistake in such a vital data? I am clueless and so are the ones who conducted the studies.
Well yes I am sure that The West will want to try it's damndest to pursuade the world that there are not that many people dying of Aids. This will then substantiate the decisions to divert aid money elsewhere, or not at all. Especially now that they have bigger personal issue to battle i.e pollution, GW, CC etc. then again small or troubled govenments (eg Zimbabwe) will also deny the existence of the problem to make an attempt at making their country more attractive for foreign investment.
What benefit is then in inflating the figure? None. The aid money is a drop in the ocean compared to foreign trade investment and wil make foreign investors hesitant to invest in an "infested" country where the labout force is dying off.
Go to these places and see for yourself how many are dying...then come tell us that the figures are overstated. General concensus amongst medical professions who actaully work in infected areas is that most official figures (Govenrment and provate studies) are generally UNDERstated.
Last edited by Bossies; 12 Jul 2007 at 10:18.