Erik Sober alcoholic here.
Alcohol is a large part of the MC world here in Europe.
A lot of times, the MC is just used as an excuse to go to party.
When I started my recovery (many years ago)I went back to the MC world via A.R.M.
A.R.M. International
Excellent environment to be in.
Thanks to all the brothers there
I go to quite many MC events these days.
And when I often get the question about drinking.
I answer "No thanks,I am a sober alcoholic"
That gives respect. And people that know that they have a problem themselves are "impressed".
But I always bring my own tent. And go there when the I want to relax.
On the other side.
Going touring. Driving beautiful roads. Enjoy the nature and views, Sleep in small villages. Hostels or camping. The expose to alcohol/drinking is almost zero. I enjoy life, when I can see and feel everything around me. Not hiding in a alcohol fog.
I can go/drive where I want, when I want. Driving is never limited by Alcohol intake.
And one good thing. AA are all over the world. Wherever I go. I look up an AA meeting, and finds friends. I wish all people could have something similar.
A sober life i a wonderful life. Enjoy.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference