Antiobiotics, prescription medicine & travel shots in the UK
I am travelling through Eastern Europe in a few weeks and want to get a medicine kit together. I'm happy with a standard one but want to also add in some general antibiotics (for the nasty germs that aren't scared by anything else) and some strong pain killers (cause lets face it, parecetomol can only do so much!). I also need to get all of my shots.
Now (if it were easy, my life would be so boring), I am not registered with a local doctor - and anyone in London will appreciate what a mission that is going to be, so need to get some presciption drugs without going to a local GP.
Is there somewhere (in London) that I can get my shots done and get some top up meds to take with me, without paying massive consultation fees and huge amounts for the travel vaccines??
If you don't have bugs in your teeth, you haven't been grinning enough!