Chikungunya Virus in Senegal
Just been to hospital in Toulouse for my new Yellow Fever shot and have been warned by the doctor there ...
It seems that the Chikungunya virus is now in Senegal and they are advising travellers to take all precautions against mosquitoes. The leaflet that they've given me says that I should keep an eye out for fever, dose up with paracetamol and make contact with any description of medical help.Chikungunya virus info from Wikipedia
I've not heard of it in W.Africa before, it seemed to me in Toulouse that this was quite a new thing that they'd heard of in the W.Africa region; unless someone can tell me to the contrary.
Learnt another 'old wives tale' today about keeping mosquitoes away - my neighbour was waiting for me and overheard two people talking about 'savon d'alep' which I found in a nearby pharmacy - seeing as it also acts as a shampoo; I bought a big bar!