c and s america are both INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS. the mosquitos are as big as domestic animals and they can rip off limbs! they also give you deadly malaria! particularly at 4000m in the bolivian altiplano.
everybody wears funny hats too! wouldn't go there.
they speak funny too! they won't reply in english, even if you shout at them in english. pretty inconsiderate if you ask me. why do they only speak spanish or portugese? i think i know: the answer lies in the fact that their independence day doesn't celebrate freedom from the imperialist brits.
the above is for comic effect. you don't need altimalarias unless you plan to hang out in the amazon.
latin america is superb. the people are great. the biking is wonderful.
but please keep this a secret: otherwise there will be a mass exodus south and everybody will try to run you off the road in a winnabagel and speak english at you (like they do every summer in alaska... we won't mention the alaskan national bird...)while you are admiring the views on ipamena beach in rio de janeiro.
why say something in 10 words, when 200+ will do.