Wilderness First Responder Course, Chiang Mai
Long time lurker, first time poster...
Wanted to let you know we're hosting a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and Travel Medicine First Responder (TMFR) course here in Chiang Mai.
Those of you who've done this sort of course will know how valuable it is -- if (when) it all hits the fan and you're a long ways from a doctor, this is the training you'll want to have. I've been a WFR for 10+ years, and it is invaluable.
I know this is short notice (the course starts on Feb 1) but I wanted to let folks know about it.
There is a fee to cover expenses/flying the instructors out from the US, etc. ($600), but we're loosing money on it, so I think that counts as non-commercial.  (The reason I'm hosting it here is I have several of my staff who need to get certified/re-certified, and it still works out cheaper than flying all of them to the US or Australia.)
The web page with all the info is isdsi.org/wfr. You can email me or check out the page for more info.
Safe travels!