If you are in need of a dentist in Rabat, Morocco?
While staying in Rabat I lost one of my fillings! Luckily there was a dentist just across the street when looking from my hotel room (221) at Grand Hotel.
Chirurgien Dentiste
19, Rue Moulay Rachid, 2nd floor
Lumumba - Rabat, Morocco
Tel: 037 727447
GPS position: N 34°01.242' W 006°49.906
The treatment I got was just as good as back home (Dinamarca). He worked for little over an hour. The price for a new plastic filling: 200 Dirhams (18 Euros). And most of all, one of the clinic receptionist was dazzlingly beautiful, which was worth the visit ;oP
See pics here: Around the World Journey | mhoey
Around the World Journey | mhoey