Originally Posted by HendiKaf
Hi guys, I just hurt my knee (riding MX) I always ride with knee protection (cup) even when travelling arround the globe, I was wondering if any of you use knee brace while riding and travelling (serious Dual Sport)
You are doing the right thing. I take protecting my knees seriously and several years ago I bought a pair of Edge knee braces with patella cups from Technology in Motion.
These are worn by motocrossers and snowboarders among others.
They were expensive but I value my legs and would buy them again. I wear them every time I ride off-road and although they are held in place by non-slip wraps, they only feel hot in the desert when you are not riding.
The main point of these braces is that the knee cannot be ripped in the wrong direction. They also protect from general falling off and the rough and tumble of riding. Mine look well used now, with scratches and burn marks on them so I’m glad they took the abuse and not my legs.
Regarding the price, these braces can be refurbished and, being carbon fibre and titanium composite, will last for years. If you average the cost over, for example, 10 years they become good value for the protection they offer.
On the road, for general riding, if I’m not wearing biking trousers with knee padding, I often stick a cheaper pair of knee protectors under my trousers. Always, better safe than sorry.
Last edited by Grant Johnson; 6 Mar 2020 at 22:44.
Reason: corrected links to new website