Originally Posted by marky mark
Thank you all very much for your help...
I am still ploughing through the companies kindly suggested above. However they all come back with the same answer..."we can't insure you if you have already left home and started your trip'....which for long term travelers, ie. over one year, is a problem. .
I could tell a porky but 'thst's just not cricket' and they could ask to see passport in a big claim case....
What kind of insurance are you after? I presume Travel Insurance...
My advice is to keep looking.
I didn't have a problem with starting a new policy with WorldCare (under written by Allianz) in Australia when OS on my big trip. My travel insurance ran out after 1 year on the road and I decided to apply for another insurance cover (not simply an extension) still through Mondial and WorldCare. There was no problem at all. Oh and their rates are very competitive. I especially like them because you can pick and choose your cover really easily on their website.
Last edited by TurboCharger; 6 Sep 2011 at 12:59.