It's perhaps a case of dosage??
DEET(insect repellent) ( N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide just in case you were wondering ) was linked to possible causes of cancer but that was from Vietnam war soldiers that were practically bathing in it for their 1 year tour. Reality is the average person has a far lower expossure to it and has no adverse effects. And the reality is that little of nothing comes close to protection from tropical grade bugs. It can be a bit harsh on the softer skinned.. it has been known to strip varnish off chairs in poncey hotels!!!!!
Permethrin is normally used to impregnate clothing and mozi nets. There are kits you buy so you can top up the treatment (required every 6 months) There's a very good reason theres gloves to wear while putting it on!! Concentrated dosage not so good..... same goes for anything i guess......
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It's not that life is so short, It's just that we're dead for so long....
"The world is a book, those who do not travel read only one page." ~ Saint Augustin