Part of my job is advising travellers who have been bitten on rabies.
The country you are in is an at risk country
So in General terms, you should start the vaccination program as soon as possible, preferably the same day. If the dog is vaccinated and remains symptom free for 10 days post bite then they will usually stop the vaccination program, but that is very much the decision of the treating clinician.
As someone stated above, once you develop symptoms, you will die, so it is no good delaying treatment until then.
The WHO has some excellent advice on the subject and is our go to resource. They have a number of pages on the subject, but this will get you started
You should also be on antibiotics and have your tetanus topped up if it is more than 5 years since your last one and you ave had less than 5 in your life
Glad you got your treatment sorted
1990 Landcruiser H60. Full rebuild completed 2014