There are 4 kind of predator in Sweden (if you dont Count humans)

-Bears, brownbear. Somewhere around 2500-3000 individuals. They weigh around 100-350 kg and are concentrated in northern Sweden. They are quite shy and avoids humans.
In the period from 1978-2008 there were 27 cases where bears attacking humans, 22 of them where hunters that were attacked during a hunt. In almost all of the cases there were a dog involved. Aka. the bear attacked the dog. In most of the cases there were also cubs involved.
So the chance of you encountering a bear in Sweden are quite slim. I've never seen one and I hiked around quite a lot.

-Wolves. You see one, you are really lucky. I heard wolves once during my trecks. 200 individuals and they are spread around the northern parts of the country. Last known case of a wild wolf killing a human in Sweden was in the year 1815. So no worries there.

-Wolverines. Same thing here, you see one then you are really lucky. 650 individual and mostly concentrated in the deepest northern areas.
No danger to humans, since you are not going to see one.

-Lynx. You will see about 50 wolverines before you see a lynx. aka. you wont see it..
Dangerous to humans..No
The biggest thing to worry about when freecamping are the god d*mn mosquitoes. Are they dangerous? No, they are irritating....and everywhere...