To TBE or not to TBE? That is the question.
I was almost not going to post this then I thought of a witty title and I couldn't resist!
Travelling by motorcycle from Kazakhstan, briefly into Russia, Mongolia (west to east) back into Russia near Ulan-Ude and getting the train from Irkutsk to Moscow and out through Latvia.
Travelling in late June and July. Some camping possible, mainly in Mongolia (most likely the southern route).
In short I think the route I take is predominantly south of the endemic zone for Tick Bourne Enchepalitis? I will most likely stay in hotels in Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk then it is the train all the way back to Moscow.
It will cost me $600 AUD for the 3 shots, that is if the government gives permission for me to be vaccinated.
I hear reports of 10,000 to 20,000 infections per year with a 1-2% mortality rate but that includes all of eastern Europe and Russia which have a combined population of hundreds of millions...maybe the odds aren't too bad?
So that is the question, what is the answer?