travel insurance
Just some info on the insurance I use.
I'm with Atlas Insurance ( International Medical Insurance & Travel Medical Insurance | HCCMIS) and they have been happy to cover me for all the countries of my trip (84 so far) expect Iran.
I am a Canadian citizen, but I'm not enrolled in any Canadian gov. insurance since I'm not a resident. That means the plan is not based on re-embursement from the gov or anything.
My current coverage, including a sport rider addition, cost $414US for coverge from 1/9/2012 to 8/20/2012
It has a 100,000 limit and 1,000 deductible (you can change that if you want)
Everything is done online and they e-mail the coverage details and such.
I had an accident on dirt roads in Bolivia that was worked on in Chile (emergency surgery, etc). The cost was cheap (around $5500USD) and they covered everything except for my crutches. I just e-mailed them all the records and bills and in less than a month had a cheque. Recommended.