
11 May 2018
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Originally Posted by luckro
My medical insurance is up for renewal. Last year when I tried renewing my policy with Navigator, I was told they could no longer get policies for us (too many claims had made policies uneconomic for insurance companies).
I bought a policy with Tokyo Marina HCC. I was about to renew it until I read all the angry reviews from policy holders trying to get a claim out of the company.
I'm a UK citizen currently in Mexico. Any ideas of a good insurance company to call?
I bought our insurance with Navigator in January as we are off to Africa in two weeks. The motorcycle off road one.
Two years ago we used them too for Central Asia, and although we did not claim, as we did not use the excess, we called the underlying insurance, for some hospital stuff that we had, and they were very good.
The premium is rather expensive, but they cover biking for 4 months, even in non paved and off road. Worth it should the SHTF!

27 Aug 2007
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Endsleigh Gap year
Endsliegh Gap year travel insurance
might be worth considering for those under 36 (i'm not :-( ) so have not bothered to check in too much detail but seems motorcycling is not explicity excluded...
Hmm another look indicates they only cover 'overlanding' in their Extreme Activities insurance. For a 40 year worldwide cover (not USA, Canada) the quote on the web was £778!
I just rung them and got it down to £508. Worldwide (not USA/Canada), luggage not covered, activity policy at essential level (not comprehensive) so I've gone with them as they are a name I know and respect
Last edited by karter257; 3 Sep 2007 at 11:42.

8 Oct 2007
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still confused
I’m planning a motorcycle travel (a 650cc) to West Africa. My idea is to leave Portugal (I'm a portuguese citizen) and go south to Marocco, RIM, Mali and maybe Guinea Conacry and Bissau. I guess a little bit more than two months it will be enough. I’ll be alone and maybe be doing some remote pistes (they seem remote for me, at least from my couch…). I’ve read different opinions on travel insurance and I’m still confused about it. Should I do one? And which company would suit me best? Can I do it on the internet?

1 Nov 2007
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Just to keep this thread going, Carole Nash have quoted £71.95 for a six week west africa trip - excluding Algeria and Libya which I wasn't going to anyway. They specifically stated that it covered large capacity bikes.
Not sure if age has anything to do with it - I'm 50+, but it seems very good. They're going to send me out the policy document in the post so I'll see if anything else crops up

10 Mar 2008
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On the road again, maybe.
Hi People, if all goes to plan I will soon be back on the road again after my little contretemps in Mexico last year. Problem, being a pensioner and UK citizen I am finding it next to impossible to find any medical-travel insurance for me whilst riding a big bike, my recently repaired R1200GS. If there are any knackered old sods riding around the world with travel - medical insurance can they please let me know which companies they are with. I would like to finish the Mex-USA-Canada leg of my trip but the thought of having a similar mishap to the Mexican one in the US or Canada fills me with dread. Ride safe, Mike.
Mike is riding the twisty road in the sky

29 Jul 2008
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Hi Mike,
If you haven't already got your insurance check Health Care International www.healthcareinterntional.com . We have had trouble getting cover, either to old!!!! or the bike is to big or because of the countries we intend visiting.
My Email to HCI
I am enquiring about insurance for a trip I am planning.
Myself and my Wife will be leaving the UK in Jan 2009 for a Round the World trip by Motorcycle covering:-
West coast of Africa from Morocco to Cape Town, South, Central and North America, Canada, Alaska, NZ, Australia, Asia and Eastern Europe. We are expecting the trip to last about Three Years.
We would like insurance to cover, but not be restricted to:-
1 Repatriation to the UK if neccessary.
2 Be renewable on the road out of UK (unlimited time).
3 Cover the use of a Motorcycle of 1200cc.
I would be interested to hear if you have any such product.
HCI reply
Many thanks for your email. I must admit I am green with envy at the prospect of your amazing trip! It sounds absolutely amazing and a once in a lifetime trip that I would love to have the opportunity to do one day.
A quote to cover medical insurance and repatriation costs comes to £329.00 per person and will cover you for one year. The premium may increase the following year(s) but we can offer you yearly policies.
This would not cover any motorbike costs so would not act as motorcycle insurance and would cover medical expenses in the event of an emergency.
I double checked over the phone with them and there is no restriction on engine size.

30 Jul 2008
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WorldNomads - my experience
I just had to go to hospital after 3 days of increasing fever and a bad cold. The hospital wanted to admit me straight away, so I gave them my insurance details. There were a few snags to begin with: seems the hospital's lines were toll barred, they couldn't call Australia. So, I called them from my mobile, but my credit got burned up in Mondial Assistance's waiting loop. I guess this is partly my own fault, as MA actually have an office with freephone number in Bangkok, which I discovered later.
The hospital then managed to call them using another prefix (don't know how this works...) and from then on it was all plain sailing. I was still in the process of being transferred to a ward and I got to speak with one of their doctors, who was friendly and gave the impression he was genuinely concerned about my welfare. After that I didn't have to worry about anything connected with insurance or payment any more. When I was discharged 2 days later the insurance arranged to pay the hospital directly and I only had to pay a small amount.
All in all a mostly positive experience and lesson learnt: collect all the relevant phone numbers before I need them.
Pity they don't cover UK people on bikes, but they will cover my Thai partner.

30 Jul 2008
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Hey all.
I recently enquired with Global-link about Full (inc US/Can) worldwide 12 month insurance, 600cc bike, and 35 yrs old. here's there reply.............
"Mr Shingleton
Thank you for your enquiry.
We are pleased to be able to offer a quotation of £305.00
based upon the following information for "Backpacker" cover.
Number of people travelling. 1 adult
Duration of Holiday. Up to 12 months
Area of travel. Worldwide
* This policy includes medical expenses arising from Motorcycling in line with UK licence entitlement.*
Please refer to the attachment for a summary of "Backpacker" cover.
This policy does not provide cover for re-ocurring or pre-existing medical conditions.
You can arrange cover by calling us on 0870 444 2872 or + 44 (0) 1353 699082
Kind regards
Globelink International Travel Insurance Consultants Ltd."
I'm presuming that "in line with UK entitlement" means having the licence and owning the bike. Although I will call to make sure.
Their policies go for up to 18 months, which is pretty good for longer trips.
After looking around, think I'll go with this one once I've had a confirmatory phone call. Also IMHO I'm pretty sure that if the FCO advise not to go to any particular country then no insurance company is going to cough up the readies to sort you out, so I'll just ride a touch slower and keep the eyes peeled!
I'm leaving Iraq in the morning and I KNOW the FCO advises not to come back! LOL
Have fun!
'Security is a product of one's own imagination, it does not exist in nature as a rule, life is either a daring adventure or nothing.'

30 Jul 2008
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Look forward to catching up about your trip when you get back to Edi. Try to put if off for a week then I can come for drinks too!
That's a good quote. I was more than that for my trip (non biking) with climbing etc cover.

28 Jan 2009
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Navigator Insurance
Hey All,
After 3 days of solid ringing around nit-picking the myriad of insurance policies ('you can pilot a small aircraft...but not ride a motorbike over 125...'). It came down to Navigator and Insure&Go for their longstay (10months) worldwide cover including personal accidents on a motorbike. I went with Navigator as they included cover of the fun stuff like Scuba, Snowboarding, whitewater rafting and Trekking above 5000mtrs etc.
Well it's not ALL about the bike, is it?
The policy was £205.00 total and underwritten by Lloyds.
And you also get to speak to the delightful Evelyn, not a call center geek (no offense, but you guys...).
Carol Nash was way more expensive
hope this helps as this insurance lark is a deep dark abyss swimming with sharks, it seams.
So I'm flying out this Sunday, if you're in Mexico, Central & South America in the next 10 months, would love to catch up for a brew or two.
Ride safe

1 Feb 2009
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Not sure if some-one has already mentioned TRAVEL NATION- we used them and they were great! You can start your policy over the phone ( so you could already be abroad- unofficially), it can be renewed on the road, it covered every country in the world for a full non stop 365 days trip, and it only cost 550 quid for 2 over 40 adults with pre existing medical conditions that were accepted and agreed to be covered.
The other half needed surgery in Turkey, it took only 2 phone calls and within 24 hours he was on the operating table for a non emergency operation!
Check them out.

2 Feb 2009
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Just been quoted £337.76 by Carole Nash for two adults, 6 months, worldwide.
Can be done over the phone and obviously covers motorcycling using own machine, I say this because I could get cover using a hired machine but not my own.
No reply from 1stop travel or Campbell Irvine.
.. no gods .. precious few heroes ...

6 Feb 2009
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WorldNomads from California USA
I just got mine thru WorldNomads. Just to clarify, the wording changes depending on where you are located. I'm in the States. California. So I'm really buying the policy thru Access America and Jefferson BCS Insurance Company. Their wording is apparently different than UK version of WorldNomads. There is no limitation on the engine size here. Here is the only part that made me call them to clarify.
Under Sports Coverage, it says:
... you can participate in any of the sporting activities listed below and still be eligible for all coverage and assistance services, as long as the activity is:
* provided by a recognized company that is regulated or licensed where required
* not for professional competition or training for professional competition.
Further down the list under other sports and activities is motor biking among other things such as bungee jumping or caving...
I talked to Lara(dot)Burchett(at)accessamerica(dot)com today and explained her that my trip was NOT being provided by a professional company and it was going to be my main form of transportation around the world for 6 months.
She clearly stated that there were no such licence requirements for motorcycling around the world, and my trip would be covered under this policy. (Feb 6 2009 ≅ 12:30 PM)
Basicly, they are trying to exclude the expenses occuring from people jumping into canyons with home made bungees. It sounds fair to me.
I paid $258.00 and got it for 6 months worldwide.
I like their operation. I feel good about having bought my insurance thru these guys.

27 Feb 2009
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4wd overlanding update
We are travelling for over a year to countries that are on the FCO bad list, so have found that very few will cover us. So far this is the response I have had:
Campbell Irvine £412 each
M + S - No cover as we have to be returning to UK
Globelink - No cover for FCO countries
Navigator - No cover for FCO countries
Healthcare Int - £1275 each
1Stop Travel Insurance £188 each - but only for one year
We are going to get the 1stop paper work and check the small print
I will update when I ring some more.
NOTE We are in 4WD not a motorbike

2 Jul 2009
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1 Stop Travel Insurance
Hi all,
Am quite new to all this but got the heads up from Maria. I know I am replying to her posting back in 2006 but I am sure you'll all agree that travel insurance is as relevant now as it was then. We are actually overlanding with a 4x4 and will be starting off from Montreal all the way down to South America, so I hope this is ok, seeing as though this is a motorcycle forum
After several days of calling and web surfing, I finally decided on 1 Stop Travel Insurance. Why? Price. I paid £283 for both of us for 12 months (excluding personal belongings and excess). I did this on line after reading the small print and was all done in 15 minutes. I am now covered (whatever that really means).
World Wide Insurance came in second at around £370 for the both of us. Similar cover so price was the decider.
I have to say that I really wanted to go with Navigator. I really like their business and the fact that they were down to earth and honest. I enjoyed their website and found it easy to understand. They even have a fools guide to the small print which is a good read: Things you should know about travel insurance, but probably don’t
It's an honest assessment of the rip off that is insurance. I also spoke to a really compitent and very nice guy (didn't get his name). You do speak to experts, not just call centre folk, which makes a difference. If price is not such an issue (their 12 month cover came in at £264 each) then I would really consider them.
I hope I made the right choice. Just like someone in the thread, 1 Stop just seems to good to be true, I am waiting for the catch. I hope I don't regret not taking Navigator, or else, I hope I will never actually need to use it anyway. Isn't that what we all want?
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