Hi mmaarten.
Scenario 1: you do not take any Lariam or eq. and you do get malaria. You can take mefloquine or eq. depending where in the world you are as a medicine and after 24 very shitty hours you are well again. You have time to go and see a doctor and have him diagnose you if you dó need some further treatment.
Scenario 2 : you do take Lariam and do get malaria (very well possible, have seen many). The lariam/mefloquine cannot be used as a medicine.
So you can just hope there is a hospital very nearby(and someone who can take you there...)
Apart from this there is the fact that any malariaprophylaxae is bad news for your body. After some months (3 to 6 )it will have an irrepairable effect on some of the body systems(eyesight, or nervesystem or liver).
A myth is that 1 infected sting will already cause malaria. Your body can fight it too, even without the help of pills,although the breaking point is not as high but ofcourse this differs from person to person . Someone might be sick after 3 infected bites(and not every mosquito is infected!), others need maybe 2 dozen and there are lucky ones who are naturely immune ...
I figure that since the parasite settles in the liver, the thing to do is to have your liver as strong as possible. Alcolhol weakens the liver unfortunately...
I cut down on alcohol. Best would be zero, although I still take a small whisky or so when in malaria regions . I have spent more than a decade in malaria-risk-zones and take the normal precautions from dusk onwards(covering the body as much as possible, mosquitonet). Knockknockkncok I still never have had the disease.. Don't want to think what i would look like now if i would have been taking pills all those years... Even the people who travelled with me (when working as a tourguide) and who did the same thing never got malaria.(This is not a guarantee ofcourse!!!) But strange enough just those machos who swallowed


every night, who stayed in shorts "because we are protected by Lariam" were mainly the ones i have been driving to hospitals for a malariatreatment.
No mistake, I am sure that when you ánd take the 'natural precautions' ánd take lariam or so , the chance of getting malaria will even be smaller.
But personally, I prefer to take that smaller risk and nót willingly ruin my body by taking the prophylaxe.
I wonder when the pharmaceutical companies would be forced to cut down their huge profits on the production of the prophylaxae, if the medical western world would still be pushing everyone so much to take them?
Well to finalize i would like to add again that this is mý experience and what Í have followed for all the years. Going to the tropics (most) carries a risk, no matter what . But as i see it there are different risks...
wishing you many malariafree trips,
[This message has been edited by marker (edited 19 April 2004).]
[This message has been edited by marker (edited 19 April 2004).]