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Staying Healthy on the Road Medical info, e.g. malaria, vaccinations, travel medical tips, medical insurance, where to find a doctor.
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Ripcord Rescue Travel Insurance.

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Old 6 Jul 2015
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World Nomads, but excludes Motorbikes !

Anyone else clicked on that easy to "get a quote box" for this Company that advertise on HUBB?

Or am I missing something.
The quote ... 11 months single trip cover, seemed high, but then we do ride motorcycles....
Read the small print ....

Motor biking (on road over 125cc) Special condition (b) and a helmet must be worn. No Touring or where a motorbike is the main mode of transport. No Personal Liability Cover

Motor biking / trail biking ( off-road 125cc or over) Special condition (b) and a helmet must be worn. No Touring or where a motorbike is the main mode of transport. No Personal Liability Cover

And just to re-confirm in Section 17 ...
Not Covered

Cover does not apply if you are:
...motorbike touring or where a motorbike is the main mode of transport;

So just apart from generating HUBB some revenue, just why do they advertise here ?

Apologies for the bitterness but do these companies realise just how much of our important planning time is wasted trawling thru their small print only to realise they don't cover what we do !

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Old 6 Jul 2015
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It appears to be 'base' country related Russ. Not sure why though ???
As I'm from Australia, I selected that option.
There appears to be all the coverage I would want.
Seems to be different for the USA & Europe riders though ??
My memory is becoming that good, I should be able to organise my own surprise party soon
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Old 8 Jul 2015
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To answer you

Any advertisement on the hubb generates revenue for it.

All companies collect marketing information whether ot not they can sell you their product.
Do they know they waste our time? Who knows but chances are it would not matter to them as your info becomes part of lists which are bought and sold worldwide.

Whether or not anyone's application is accepted depends on their country of residency; if you are resident in the UK, forget World Nomads. They will tell you that their underwriters will reject cover where travel by means of a motorcycle is the main means of transport. This information was confirmed by WN today.
I hope this helps clarify things.
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Old 8 Jul 2015
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They will tell you that their underwriters will reject cover where travel by means of a motorcycle is the main means of transport
Yet LLoyds of London is stated as one of the underwriters for the Australian policy.
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Old 10 Jul 2015
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I gave world nomads a go, I kept getting generic reply's to questions asked and had to wait up to a week for the pleasure, finally told them to shove it! Piss poor!
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Old 11 Jul 2015
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I'm American and in the market for travel insurance, and had read good things about World Nomads. Their website unhelpfully does not address the question of whether American adventure riders are covered, so I called them.

Coverage specialist told me that yes, I would be covered regardless of whether I am traveling by motorcycle. However, I have to rule out World Nomads as they will not cover any incidents in Sudan, one of my destinations countries. World Nomads asks $300+ for a six month policy and ~$1000 for one year.

Also tried HCC Medical Insurance Coverage … they too do not cover Sudan, and seemed high priced at something between $600 and $750 for a six month policy.

I used STA Travel for two previous overland journeys and their pricing and coverage remains very good, from what little I know of the travel insurance business. They will sell me a 12-month policy called “Explorer Plus” for $289 with all the fundamentals including coverage in Sudan and covering travel by motorcycle. $100,000 medical coverage, $500,000 medevac and $0 deductible.

Incredibly, I could get a 6-month STA policy for just $33, total -- the twist being that it is non-renewable, and you cannot take out a new policy unless you are physically in your home country. So for trips longer than 6 months, you'd need to find figure a way to secure insurance around policy termination time. It also sacrifices some up-front trip cancellation coverage to the tune of a few hundreds bucks but I don't care about that, and has some lower payouts on certain items.

Any insights on STA Travel these days? Though I’ve used them twice before I’ve not had to file a claim. They seemed to be very popular a few years ago.
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Old 14 Jul 2015
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I to read this, seems to be an issue, our biggest problem is we are on the road, and they will not cover anyone over 60. Any suggestion would be helpful.
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Old 15 Jul 2015
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Some options...

Its all just a huge nightmare ... all I want is someone to rescue me if Im hurt and pay for treatment... simple enough, No.

I have trawled through the Global Rescue and Ripcord small print, and while they imply a field rescue will happen, the small print seems to give them many other options. Most critically, they dont pay for the actual medical costs, so unless I chose to come back to the UK for NHS treatment, while you would be taken to a hospital, your medial attention is not covered.
And if I have got that wrong I apologise, but then if the small print was easier to understand, well, u know where Im going.

So just to document where I am so far, based on a 55 yo UK resident, riding to Thailand and then staying there 6 months (so 10 months away in total), I'm getting ~

Ripcord or Global Rescue - around £400 - extrication only, but they claim from anywhere in the world. Mixed reviews but I think they will. The downside is no curtailment and it means back to the care of the NHS.

Of the more "normal" travel policies that do cover large motorbikes, I seem to have a choice of ~

AA - £242 but for only 6 months max
Holidaysafe - sliding scale from £129 for 3 months to £523 for the full year.
Direct Travel - sliding scale from £134 for 3 months to £524 for 10 months
Harrison Beaumont - 3 months for £196
24/7 Gap - backpacker policy for 1 year @ £164

The latter is by far the cheapest, but the worry always is ... will they organise things when u need help, rather than just a refund when u get back home. I have been there - there is a big difference !

The search continues !
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Old 17 Jul 2015
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Originally Posted by Russ McDermid View Post
Its all just a huge nightmare ... all I want is someone to rescue me if Im hurt and pay for treatment... simple enough, No.
No, it is not simple.
It relates to the "moral hazard" of all such insurance.

One aspect is that insurance should cover only what is not likely to occur, thereby the underwriters will make a handsome profit and the share/stock holders will be content.

Another aspect is that once individuals are contracted into insurance cover which makes them "comfortable" in their own minds then those same individuals are inclined to take greater risks; thus by providing a particular form of insurance the industry itself has increased its' exposure to making a loss. Their statistical basis for deciding on an appropriate premium will be based on the general population whereas we want to be insured against our own follies while undertaking hazardous activity; so why would anyone take on a very high risk of losing money?

Naturally, this is a first world approach and way of thinking that would not occur to many others on this planet.
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Old 16 Jul 2015
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Originally Posted by ouroboros2015 View Post
Have you tried the post office? I used them a couple of years ago. When asked about using a 660 cc bike on the trip as my main for of transport, they said that as long as I used the roads "or what was considered a road in whichever country I was in" (which I took to mean any road marked on a map: tarmac, dirt or whatever), then I was covered.
A top tip, I have also used the Post Office before and was told I was covered and may use them again after checking that they still cover for motorcycle travelling.
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Old 17 Jul 2015
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Post Office

Just checked the Post Office ... Yes, still cover motorcycles up to 1500cc.
However, the cheapest Super Economy premium is £292 for a 12 month Backpacker policy.
So, all other things being equal, Gap 24/7 is still the cheapest.
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Old 17 Jul 2015
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I got stung big time by the post office, I came back to UK for a short visit, after being out of the country for 2.5 yrs. I rang them, and asked, if I bought a 3 month policy for example, and I decide to stay abroad for another couple of months, could I extend whilst away?

They said yes, and the policy documents confirmed this. When I did decide to stay on in new zealand, I rang up to extend, and was told that I couldn't extend without returning to the UK and buying a new policy. This was because they had changed underwriters and the new underwriters did not allow this. GRRRR!!! So no coverage now. Post office did not contact me to say the policy had changed, and even when purchasing the policy, it took several phone calls to get the docs emailed through, and their online portal never really worked properly.
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Old 17 Jul 2015
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Originally Posted by Fern View Post
Post office did not contact me to say the policy had changed
From your description, the policy did not change, it expired at the end of the period.
Nor would it change as an extant contract between you and the underwriter providing the cover, via the PO acting as the broker.
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Old 19 Jul 2015
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Perseverance pays !

Well, after basically checking loads of insurance companies, and going down the "backpacker insurance" route, I found a 12 month policy, (WW excl USA & Canada) that includes motorcycles of any capacity....

Alpha 250 Longstay GC Policy - £143 for a full year.

Maybe the benefits aren't the best out there, but they got good reviews on Trustpilot, will pay up to £10 million in medical, and repatriate me if deemed necessary.
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Old 8 Aug 2016
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Originally Posted by Russ McDermid View Post
will pay up to £10 million in medical, and repatriate me if deemed necessary.
Read the fine print.
I have read of someone who was injured and assessed as requiring medical treatment. But the assessment was that air transport would be risky - treatment should be made locally. The insurance company assessed it as requiring repatriation - on a normal commercial flight .. the cost of that to them was far lass than the medical costs and one repatriated the medical liability for them ceased.

Who does the assessment of repatriation vs local medical treatment and who is liable for the costs?
And who assesses how the repatriation is to be done?

With luck you and I will never find out.
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