From Nokane in Botswana to the Caves mentioned it is very thick sand in many places - mixed with sandy track that has been flattened down by vehicle tyres. You would be walking/pushing quite a bit. I don't remember there being any settlements(?) so water will be an issue and in summer it is pretty silly to try it.
Hopefully the Leopard I had in my campsite at night doesn't spot you ;-)
You are better off asking on the forum at as it is full of South Africans etc who go to these places all of the time etc
Edit. I traced part of the route on google maps as I'm assuming you don't have good internet. Found some signs of housing/stock yards at the following:
-19.530379, 21.174682 (Qangwa I think - pop 337
-19.564158, 21.393722
-19.554857, 21.304458
There might be others...!