anyone up for going in convoy?
Planning on heading on down into East Africa in early Jan next year - After some agonising and hair-pulling I think we've finally decided on going thru the (relatively) straightforward Tunisia-Libya-Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia and Kenya route.....
Would anyone be interested in doing a bit of the journey in convoy? at the mo' we're a two-man team (a suspect aussie and yours truly) in a 300tdi swb landie - we're especially keen on doing the sudan-ethiopia-kenya leg of the journey with others - this will be our first solo undertaking into sub-saharan africa but we're pretty clued up (alright this is an out & out lie!!)
anyone passing thru there bout the same time?
answers on a postcard - or alternatively email offline at link above
email address in post removed by Grant - see for why. Use the link above to contact directly, or just post a reply.
[This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 29 September 2003).]