Anyone want parts taken to africa?
Hi there
Im leaving the UK in early november on a trans Africa trip for an English company.
Was just thinking today if anyone leaving about the same time would like any parts,tyres or what ever taken along on my truck and left for them on route somewhere.
We will be in Accra around the 10th-17th of jan,and in Nairobi(if we can get into Sudan) on 10th-20th of April.
we will discus a suitable payment depending on what it is.
Was speaking to the Sudan embasy in Nigeria and they sound confident things will be OK by then.
Also any one keen on a motor bike trans,with a truck as back up vehicle,leaving 2004 in november,very seriously thinking about it, but will need to see how much intrest there is.
truck would have room to cart bikes Fuel,spares,food,  and even a few seats if your girlfriend wanted to come as well
if anyones keen please let me know