Best method to drive Egypt to South Africa?
Hi All,
Basically I'm wondering what the best method is to get a car to drive from Egypt to South Africa. We've been looking at many options, the easiest of which is to buy a car in the UK, drive it to Palermo, Ferry to Tunis, Drive across Libya to Egypt then down though Sudan etc. The chances of returning the car to the UK are very small, so we would look to either:
1. Sell it to someone in SA and pay the import tax ourselves on their behalf (did this in Mongolia previously) - meaning I've fulfilled the Carnet requirements and will get my deposit returned.
2. Have the car 'stolen' - I'm sure leaving the keys in the door overnight in Cape Town it wouldn't last too long and report to police...again Carnet fulfilled.
3. Sell to a someone who is happy to take on the carnet and extend it with RAC if necessary, then it becomes their problem upon expiry.
4. Freighting the car back to the UK from Cape Town or Johannesburg...the only problem with that is I'm an Aussie and don't intend to go back to the UK after the trip.
Now the problems here are:
1. Crossing into Libya and from Libya to Egypt - although someone just broke the record driving from London to Cape Town the same way it must be doable.
2. The hassle of the Carnet.
I looked at possibly buying a car in South Africa and driving up to Egypt instead, but it looks like it might even be more difficult to get into Egypt and looks like I would 'really' have to return the vehicle to South Africa if I did that.
It's a 4+ month trip, so renting is out.
We're talking 3-4 cheap vehicles (most likely early 2000 Subaru Outbacks or Foresters likely) - drove to Mongolia from London in a Smart Car (across Kazakhstan among other places), so like a challenge!!!
Anyhow, any suggestions or alternatives I haven't thought of would be appreciated, or if I'm on the money with the easiest way to go let me know!!