Cannyour embassy in east africa to get the latest on the sudan uganda.
Unfortunatly even if the border is open, this is a very dangerous route. Even if you have no probelms in Sudan, the northern region of Uganda is very dangerous right now even though there is supposed to be a cease fire between the LRA and the Governemnt of Uganda... You might be able to get a convoy, but the risk of banditry is high in this are due to several thousand displaced soldiers, many of them children.
Like I said, the situation has cooled off as of yet, however it is impossable to know when it will flare up again. A safer route would be Khartum, addis, nairobi kampala kigali if your headed via burundi. The safety must be weighed against tiem, If you are able to get a convoy for that 100 KM between the border and Gulu town you will be fine. If not, camp out at the border until early morning and make sure to do this strech at about 11:00 am with full assurance that even with mechanical problems you will be in gulu or beyond by night fall.
Rwanda border is amazingly easy, no visa fee for Canadians, americans (many other expempt as well) and burundi is good as well, the only stickey spot is the route between sudan and Uganda.
Anyhow, good luck.