Originally Posted by Plooking
Hi all,
Does anyone know anything about the current security situation on the border between Mauritania and Mali passing thru Ayoun-El-Atrous? The idea is to cross there to Bamako but I'm not sure if it is already safe to cross here. One year ago it was a no-go zone but right now with the terrorists pushed further east is it doable?
Please share your thoughts.
Two weeks ago the road was open to tourists and the police claimed there are no security issues on the way> It is definitely the fastest way to cross from Mauritania to Mali, because you will have a good tarmac all the way. Quite a lot of checkpoints but no problems. Watch out for the fuel - I had a stretch of 600 km with no gasoline available so get it at every station and don't forget about jerry cans to have a 600 range.
Mali was perfectly secure when I crossed.