Budget: Cape Town - Nairobi
What should our budget be along the following:
- Fuel (estimated costs per liter for the entire route)
- Facilitation payments for corrupt officials or service clerks (estimated per day/week and/or kilometer travelled, countries crossed, or the likes)
- Living expenses (all living expenses per day, on average for entire route)
- Third party insurance, etc, (per country)
- Borders (rough estimates for how much money we should set aside per border)
- Other
I was thinking: all including, two people, riding two motorcycles 6000 km each, through 5 countries, crossing four borders, travelling 3-5 weeks in total, that the total budget should ammount to US $ 5.000 - 8.000 for the both of us. This does not offcourse include any pre trip expenses or shipment of neither the bikes or us in/out of Africa. We will also be using a carnet. What do you think?
All comments are greatly appreciated
Thanks to all of you who have been so kind to aid me so far (too many to name), and thanks again for this aditional piece of support.