Cameroun – Gabon
- Border at Ekok: No problem, takes one hour on each side. I used carnet to enter into Cameroun.
- Mamfe to Douala: 60 km of bad piste to Nguti, 40 of tar with potholes, then 55 km of piste, from Kumba to Douala very good tar
- Douala to Bitam: Good tar road
- Border formalities:
No problem for exit
Customs and immigration for Gabon: Some registration at the border, but immigration and customs are done in Bitam only, no corruption
- Bitam to Ndole: Excellent tarmac EXCEPT some 80 km after Lamara: big potholes, fuel only in big cities, piste towards east some 30 km before Ndjole (Signpost Hotel La Lope), first 80 km rough then better, no fuel en route towards Latoursville
- La Lope to Latoursville: Good piste, slippery when wet
- Fuel in Latoursville (next to the Mairie)
- Latoursville to Lekoni: 90 km piste, pretty difficult in some places, then excellent tar until Lekoni. Fuel in Franceville and Lekoni
- Lekoni Hotel, nice place to stay
- Border formalities just before entering Lekoni
Have a safe trip