Hi Ronnie,
my experience: everything is possible in Africa - in both ways !
I drove my German car without a carnet and without a prior visa through Morocco, Westsahara, Mauretania, Mali, Niger, Burkina, Benin and Togo. The only country that rejected me (now in a Togolese taxi to the final departure airport Accra) for not having a visa was ... Ghana. This was atypical the other way, but it happened to me.
Further south: I tried to enter Angola with a proper visa (unbelievable obtained at the Johannesburg embassy!) at the main Namibian border and was refused! This was also atypical the other way. At the next small border post 150km onwards in Ruacana, entry to Angola was no problem, however the road was.
I would definitely recommend to you NOT to bother about the carnet and just GO.
I have the most amazing hand-written stuff in my passports, from small African border posts who made up for lack of stickers, stamps, rules & information with goodwill, friendliness and hospitality.
If you fail at a big border post (it happens even with proper papers!), just drive to the next smaller one.