Container clearing/release in Cape Town
I will be shipping my car from Poland to Southa Africa this year.
Currently I am looking for an agency in SA that will help me with releasing my car from the port.
I quoted some agencies and the cheapest response was ZAR 10371 which is 875 USD. The costs are as follows:
Charges are as follows:
Shipping lines release charges r2316.00
Collect fee r115.80
Cargo dues r2046.50
Customs examination r200.00
Customs examination attendance fee r400.00
Cartage to depot and empty turn in r1782.96
Depot lifts internal & external r1360.00
Depot vehicle unpacking fee r1500.00
Handling fee r650.00
Total zar10371.26
This is very much for me. Do you have any experience and could suggest cheaper company? Mostly I am concerned about depot costs. Is there any way to reduce them?
Thank you