Crossing Angola - West To East
I'm currently in Nigeria heading south and plan to cross northern Angola to get into Zambia and head further east.
Has anyone done this? Does anyone have info on roads/routes in northern Angola? What about fuel availability? Minefields?
I'm on an F650 GS Dakar, still have some luggage and spare tyres, so the bike is fairly heavy. My range is about 500km with extra fuel bag but I can carry more fuel if recommended.
Planning at this stage to go like this: Matadi or Songololo to Uige - Camabatela - Lucala - Malanje - Cacolo - Saurimo - Luau - Mucussueje - Caianda and then cross into Zambia at Jimbe, near where Angola, the DRC and Zambia meet.
For navigation I rely much on hand signals from locals and I have a Michelin map of southern Africa, not very detailed. Does anyone know of a decent map shop / bookshop / institution between Abuja and Kinshasa where I could buy something more detailed?
ANY firsthand info will be appreciated!
"The fates lead him who will; him who won't they drag." - Anon