Not sure I'd agree with the "it's all about bribes" statement. We managed 12 months travelling through West Africa without paying a single bribe & without encountering any hassle as a result. Simply lots of patience & a friendly smile..
Anyway Brazzaville-Kinshasa.. here's the extract from our web site detailing our crossing experience last year. I know there have been problems recently with the ferry breaking down however. The costs are for a LR plus 2:
Brazzaville - Kinshasa Ferry Crossing - An experience in itself. Certainly not the horror story that we had heard it to be. Costs: 6500 CFA (€10) p/person and 25,000 CFA (€38) for car & driver. Timings: 1030 hrs, 1230 hrs & 1430 hrs each day. No car ferry running on Sundays. Mandatory ‘disinfection’ of the car on entering DRC - we heard that this could be avoided, but we bartered for ages and were never going to get out of it. We did manage them to get the price down from US$60 to US$40. It looks like an official organisation (Red Cross). Customs/immigration process very slow in DRC; no problems, just slow, so allow plenty of time. The whole crossing took us 7 hours of which only 40 mins was spent on the ferry!