D.R.Congo: Kisangani-Kinshasa possible?
From the recent 'DRC - West to East' thread here in the forum I was surprised to find people travelling not just the road between Lubumbashi and Kinshasa but also between Zongo and Bukavu.
The Michelin maps and Lonely Planet Guide show quite a lot of roads crisscrossing the DRC but I'm just not sure which ones still exist.
For our soon to begin Africa Trip we will travel on our motorbikes through the DRC as well. The optimal route for us would be to enter DRC from Burundi at Bukavu and then follow the route Kisangani - Kananga - Kinshasa. Both, Michelin maps and Lonely Planet show a road there and we know from others that near Kananga there is a signposted turnoff to Kisangani. Does anyone know if there is a usable road between Kisangani and Kananga??? And what quality rating would it be compared to - lets say - the Kinshasa -Lubumbashi road?
Also we are aware that DRC is not the safest of places and the border region to Rwanda/Burundi is particularly out of control. Has anyone been there lately and can confirm to us that it is actually not too bad (crossing fingers)?
Your experience is heaps appreciated!!!
no risk - no fun