Driving in West Africa without an international license
Hi, I'm going to be travelling through West Africa for the next few months, primarily by hitching / whatever transport I find, but I'm also keen to rent a motorbike somewhere at some point. I have a driving license, but no international permit, and won't be back in the UK to get one before starting the trip. I'm wondering how much hassle I'd be likely to get without one...? Which countries are the greatest hassle when it comes to document checks, and how often would they ask to see a license in addition to a passport?
Is it worth the risk, or am I likely to be stung with a big fine if I get caught?
I've biked through a fair few Asian countries without any kind of license and always got away with it, but from all I've read Africa will be a different kettle of fish entirely when it comes to police looking for the slightest excuse for a backhander.
Any thoughts?