I am pleased to report that i got my TRN today in the morning!!!
I went to the Randburg traffic department three times. First was on Tuesday to make sure that i had all the required paperwork (as per Ido’s suggestion). My situation was as follows:
- a turist visa for 30 days (!) but with a visa sticker (i’m a Polish citizen and that’s all that we get) apart from the sticker i also got a stamp and it clearly says ‘hollidays'
- a signed lease and an invoice for 6 months accommodation prepared just as Ido suggested (but i used different forms and addresses - i have a friend around here whose number i placed on the lease in case they’d want to call and verify - the friend had otherwise nothing to do with the lease)
- an agreement of vehicle sale that the seller and myself signed (
http://www.cooperattorneys.co.za/Veh...%20vehicle.pdf - first thing off of google) - i’m buying not from a dealer but from a private seller (EDIT: i'm buying a Toyota Hilux 4x4 just to be clear)
- a police affidavit stating that i was unemployed in South Africa
EDIT: - two black and white photos of course (35x45mm, facing forward on white background)
On Tuesday they directed me to a window on the left and there were three people inside. Two (a man and a woman) were serving two costumers and there was a lady from a backoffice using the photocopier.
I got there at 11:30 and there were 3 people ahead of me. When i got to the window i asked them to verify that i have all necessary paperwork for the TRN. They took the bundle of documents, including my passport and the man when he got to my visa dismissed me out of hand saying that visitors can’t get the TRN. You have to have a resident permit or permanent residence. I protested and i said that i already found the car and that i don’t want to stay in SA. Then the lady serving another costumer turned around and said that not long ago they actually gave the TRN to a tourist (Ido - perhaps it was you ;P ). The lady from the backoffice asked where i was going to go with the car and seemed to be satisfied when i said all the way to Europe.
She looked at the paperwork asked for a lease and the invoice - verified that it was from Randburg and asked whether it was less than 3 months old. Then asked for a proof of payment for the car and said the agreement with the seller wasn’t enough and told me to bring the registration certificate of the car tomorrow.
I left the office and met the seller that day, explained my situation and he gave me the registration certificate (we haven’t exchanged the money yet - he was very understanding). The next morning i went back (i got stuck in traffic and arrived at 8:20) i stood in the line - there were about 15 people ahead of me but after 30 min i managed to get to the window. There were only two people then - only the skeptical guy from the day before and a new lady. He had no objections this time but they scrutinized each document in great detail (including the lease and the invoice) and made copies of everything (all the above mentioned documents plus the registration certificate - although they were quite puzzled why i brought the affidavit about being unemployed but they copied it anyway). I was then given the bundle of copied documents, asked to go upstairs where i simply gave the documents to another person in another office and he asked me to come back on Friday 7:30-10:00.
I came back today (Friday) at 7:30 and received my beautiful TRN within 10 minutes. I could not be more happy! See the TRN below - and subscribe to my facebook page
PS: Here's my shameless plug - i will be in SA for the next month and then in May i'm heading north to do Cape To Cairo (to Europe) trip and then in 2016 and 2017 Asia&Australia and Americas respectively. If you want to follow me or get in touch go to:
https://www.facebook.com/trekkingpolecom - there isn't much there yet but over the next few weeks i should be putting in more content.
PPS: Thank you Ido - i owe you a

when i meet you!