Indeed, the visa woman is a dragon, to say the least. Brrr...
We went to the embassy in Lomé on our first day in Togo, and the woman shouted at us - after ignoring us in the first place - that it was a disgrace that we tried to apply for a visa while we where only 1 day in Togo... Huh? We should be at least 1 week in Togo before we could apply.
Anyway, we did wait for 1 week, and applied. We didn't need any documents, only 4 photo's (mine weren't excepted, for the first time in 26 African countries; needed to take new pictures around the corner). It took 3 (further) days to get the visa. And we are happy to be in Ghana now (except for many people - like elsewhere in W-Africa - being so unfriendly and money driven...why...?).