Thats alright mate, all part of the adventure. The conditions are managable if you take it slowly and allow time. Aim to take about 2 days coming down. If you stop at Masarbit, there is a hotel there and can break the trip overnight. On a bike, you should have no worries with bandits. They aren't interested in bikes, they are interested in lorries. Mainly because the drivers carry their earnings with them from trading goods. We had suspension problems on our Landrover coming through there and crawled through at 10 miles an hour with no problems. I don't think it would be possible or advisable to try riding two up through there. (as an aside, the bandit problem may have gone away since we came through there as the Brits paid the locals several million in October 2002. This was compensation for injuries due to unexploded ordenance left from British Army training exercises in the northern Kenyan area. This means the locals are probably better off that you or I).