The elusive Visa d'Entente
Wah wah lucky you!
I just asked for this at the Benin consulate in Bamako.
They told me they stopped issuing the Visa d'Entente a couple years ago since it wasn't recognized by all countries involved.
If true, you may have problems getting into esp. Niger. So let us know how you proceed.
The only place I hear people still getting it is the Benin embassy in Ouagadougou. Is that where you got yours?
This means you first have to get there, and the Burkina visa alone is 40000 CFA.
What is the potential savings with the visa d'Entente? If all five countries are asking 40000 now (I think most of them are asking less than that), that would be 200000 CFA instead of 25000. Plus the time spent with going to five embassies instead of one.