Definitely stop at Ouidah in Benin, intersting slave history, including LES ROUTE DES ESCLAVES, and a very poignant memorial at the beach based upon the gate of no return.
Stay at Eldorado beach hotel/camp in Cotonou, pretty shitty toilets/showers for campers but plenty of space to camp by the tennis courts and a swimming pool to use too for a small fee.
Porto Novo is surprisingly pleasant for an african capital, and has a good alternative stilt village to Ganvie not too far away (very touritsy now).
Grand Popo really is as good as the guide books say, a really great spot to relax for a few days. Really like it there.
Abomey has fascinating history but you really do need a guide to understand it all and actually find the sites!
If you do need to stay in togo, Agbodrafo on Lake Togo is a great spot, and you can do a boat ride over the lake to Togoville for some voodoo history if you so wish.