Trip in Sudan
Dear all,
I am planning to travel to Sudan with 6 friends in november 2003, here is our road book:
Day 1 to 3:Arriving in N'Djamena (Chad), we will be reaching the Sudanese border in Al Junaynah in 4X4.
Day 3 - 8: We will get to the Jebel Marra area (3068m), and eventually trek through this area. We want to meet the Fur's tribes people living there.
Day 8 - 12: On the road to the Nuba's mountains where we will be staying for days.
Day 12 - 14: Karthoum and back to the Chadien border.
Please let me know if you or some of your friends have already been or crossed those area.
I need to know about the safety about those places. Gourvernements forreign affair say it is not wise to get there, but i doubt about their reliability. ( us gouv. say it is unsafe to go to Corsica ! robish)I can not believe that kind of advise for Corsica nor Sudan.
I need your knowledge of the country and your advise. Thx to get back to me.