trouble in south ethiopia (moyale)?
Tens of thousands of people have reportedly fled their homes as a result of fighting between rival groups in a remote part of southern Ethiopia. The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt says 300 people may have been killed - mostly in a major battle on 5 February.
BBC NEWS | Africa | Thousands flee Ethiopia clashes
Ethiopia: About 300 killed in Oromo-Somali fighting
Around 300 people are reportedly killed in a clash between Oromo and Somali clans in Moyale town. Thousands of people have also fled their homes due to the fighting in the Kenya-Ethiopia border.
Violent clashes often occur between the Borana Oromo and Garre Somali, mostly over territorial disagreements and over scarce resources for the two pastoralist communities. The recent drought in southern Ethiopia has escalated the conflict over water wells.
Ethiopia: About 300 killed in Oromo-Somali fighting
is the 5th of feb. right? or was it later?
how is the situation now?