I'm also Irish and have done a fair bit of travel around W.Africa.
Morocco - no visa, stamped on arrival
Mauritania - visa can be bought on border for 20euros (no need for photocopy/photos etc)
Senegal - no visa, stamped on arrival
G.Bissau - bought for 10,000CFA at Zigchuinor consul, Casamance - cheaper than getting it in Dakar
Guinea - bought in Bissau for 15,000 for 15 days or 30,000 for 30 days, can be extended for next to nothing in country
Mali - buy at Malian embassy in Nouachkott, Mauritania - 6,500UM
VTE - buy at 'immigration shed' in Ougadougou - not got price but cheapest place in region
Ghana - Irish friend just got his in 3 days from Ghanian Embassy Ougadougou
Sierra Leone - same friend got it in Conakry, Guinea for US$100
Liberia - ditto, in Freetown (whilst there they all thought he was a spy with the Irish reaction forces!)
Same friend (met in Bissau) now in Ghana waiting on a Nigerian visa, if you're interested I'll update this when I hear from him