Abuja Sheraton warning!!
Hi everyone,
The Sheraton has allowed camping in their grounds for many years now - the cost was 500 niara per person per night and you had to pay a non refundable FIVE night 'deposit'. Not fair but ok.
New management took over one week ago and the prices have gone up.
BE WARNED - the cost is now 5000 niara ( 23 euro's) per person per night!!!! And the 5 night deposit still stands!! 
Our jaws hit the floor. We asked to see the manager and the fitness suite manager arrived ( he is in charge of the campers). He yawned and basically said ' That's the price and it is non negotiable.'
The security manager was so embarrased by his manner that he went in private to speak to management to ask them to consider dropping the 5 night deposit. They did.
You now park in a open grass area near the tennis courts - better than the compound with the mad dogs. But the gardener burns tyres on the tree stumps right by your vehicle!!! 
Get your Ghana visa and get all your visa's there - only Cameroon left and you can get that in Calabar instead of facing the miserable cow in the embassy in Abuja.