Where possible(& best) to get visa for Angola, Chad, Nigeria, Equat Guinea ?
Nigeria - have read ppl got it in Mali (cfa 135,000 crazy price i;m not paying), Ghana (Usd éà for q Japanese person, but hozw nuch for other countries?). Possible in Cote d;Ivoire?
Angola - pplwrote ofgetting it in Ghana but someone wrote in 2012 no longer possible in Ghana; so where to get it coming from Ghana and going south ?
Chad - is it really usd 141? i read somewhere (don;t recall where) it;s usd 100. Again from Ghana and going south except for going north to get to Chad via Nigeria
Equatoriql Guinea - read thqt they won;t issue a visq if only purpose is for Tourism (they want Business ppl i read). But i read about boqt fro, Nigeria-Cameroon-EquatorialGuinea(Malabo) so is it possible to tqke this boqt qnd they let youenter Malabo?
For this boat which docks at Cqmeroon, is it possible to stay on board first time at Cameroon qnd therefore notneed 2 visa;s for Cameroon?
Sao Tome - what is easiest?