Cheap fix expensive problem- DR 650
It doesnt matter how many or what spares you carry, youve never got the right ones....right???
Well as i "luckily" as i pulled into Kuala Lumpur my super reliable DR chucked all its oil on the pavement....You can imagine the suprise and horror on my face.
24 hours on and the garden is smelling of will go to the Moto Gp tomorrow...whopee!!!!
The bike has covered 62000kms and the problem was the output shaft (sprocket) oil seal that cost two dollars....if it had happened last week in Sumatra the story would be different. I will now carry a spare.
The seal is a NOK AE1327H or 44mm outside diameter and 25mm inside diameter, available from any seal factor shop.
It quite easily flicks out once the sprocket is removed...the taxi fares round town cost a lot more than the seal.....dont say i didnt warn you.
Anyone else had the same problem??